Economic models of regulation and compliance

Assignment Help Risk Management
Reference no: EM132375452

Risk, Regulation and Compliance

Assessed intended learning outcomes

On successful completion of this assessment, you will be able to:

Knowledge and Understanding

1. Critically analyse financial theories, concepts and economic models of regulation and compliance in a range of economic contexts

2. Analyse and critically evaluate the ways in which regulations are adapted in view of specific market culture and consumer behaviour

3. Critically evaluate the role of regulations and compliance in the strategic prevention of systemic risk and contagion

Transferable/Key Skills and other Attributes

1. Identify the strategic and operational impact of financialregulations, compliance and risk management

2. Work on their ownin analysing and presenting solutions to compliance and risk modelling in the solving of organisational problems and issues in the financial sector

3. Develop and enhance research skills and analytical capability for use in an organisational context

Task details and instructions You should:

• Critically analyse the challenges and perils for the global financial markets stemming from the way Credit Rating Agencies operate; how they might affect financial risk assessments and overall financial stability conditions for global markets; how financial risk professionals and financial institutions should react on these ratings; apply your personal critical evaluation on how these developments should reflect on regulatory framework.

• In order to successfully complete this assignment, you need to make extensive use of the relevant literature, both from an academic and practitioner perspective. It is also important to be able to offer an informative and facts based personal view on the issues discussed.

• Be concise, succinct but, at the same time, provide well-developed arguments.

• You should use Harvard Referencing style. In addition, avoidunreliable sources and base your answers on academic and policy papers, as well as articles from well-respected press (like Financial Times and The Economist).

Assignment question: This is an assignment to be written by each student registered on this module. The allowed word count is 3000. The essay will carry 50 percent of the overall course mark. All completed assignments must be submitted through OnlineCampuson or before the due date. University rules on late submission apply.

In order to successfully complete this essay, you need to make extensive use of the relevant literature, both from an academic and practitioner perspective. It is also important to be able to offer an informative and facts based personal view on the issues discussed. Avoid unreliable sources and base your answers on academic and policy papers, as well as articles from well respected press (like Financial Times and The Economist). Be concise, succinct but, at the same time, provide well developed arguments.

1. Produce a report covering the following issues:

(i) Define and describe Credit Rating Agencies and their major operations within the global financial system. Do they satisfy these roles, especially in terms of anticipating future financial turmoils?

(ii) Many commentators state that misleading credit ratings had a direct and immense effect on the development of the Global Financial Crisis. Provide your personal view on this statement, using examples from the recent crisis to support your arguments.

(iii) Given the above criticism of Credit Rating Agencies , the idea of the creation of a European Credit Rating Agent has been put forward by some European policy makers. Describe and discuss the potential positive and negative effects of this proposal.

(iv) What would be your suggestions, as regulatory experts, to improveCredit Rating Agents' performance in risk assessments?

Attachment:- Risk Regulation and Compliance.rar

Verified Expert

A very complex assignment on the role of credit rating agencies was done. It covered the role that credit rating agencies played in triggering the 2008 financial crisis. Concepts such as mortgage based securities have been explained. After going through this report, one can get a very clear understanding of credit rating agencies.

Reference no: EM132375452

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9/24/2019 1:59:58 AM

Hi, Please attached assisgnment request. The course is on Risk, Regulation and Compliance. I will appreciate if the Havard style of referencing is used when referencing. see attached. Also i will appreciate if your expert can use the recommended course book i attached. Finally i will appreciate if all instruction in the assessment is adhered and a good grammer is used


9/24/2019 1:59:07 AM

LEVEL OF PERFORMANCE % MARK CRITERIA Excellent 70-100% Demonstrates an excellent understanding of a complex body of knowledge and the ability to use such knowledge in an innovative and creative manner to develop new insights and relate these to the particular circumstances of the situation under consideration. Has a very good grasp of recent research findings and demonstrates a maturity in critically evaluating concepts and abstract principles, and originality in addressing business problems Good 60-69% Demonstrates a very good understanding of a complex body of knowledge and the ability to analyse and synthesise knowledge, reflect on the application of theory in practice and to use these skills to develop an argument which is well structured, clearly justified and relevant to the particular circumstances of the situation under consideration. Has a good grasp of recent research findings and demonstrates considerable ability and maturity in critically evaluating concepts and abstract principles, and a developing originality in addressing business problems


9/24/2019 1:58:54 AM

Word count/duration (if applicable) Your assessment should be 3,000 words, with a tolerance band of +/- 10%. Any appendices you might decide to include do not count towards the overall word count of your work. Regarding the different questions, it is up to you to decide on the appropriate length of each section. Marking criteria/scheme Marks for your assessment will be allocated based on the marks allocation provided in the assessment brief (40% for the first question and 20% for each one of the following three questions). Penalties for exceeding word count/duration You will incur a penalty if you submit an assessment that exceeds the word count (10% on your final mark).

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