Economic events and activity analysis

Assignment Help Marketing Management
Reference no: EM133091266

Imagine that you are a business consultant tasked with sharing the concepts below with a team of interns who will be supporting the research aspects tied to a new initiative requiring knowledge about economic influence and economic concentration. The use of charts and tables to illustrate data is highly encouraged to help the interns connect the dots.

Create a report incorporating the following:

Part 1: Economic Events and Activity Analysis

Review the Competency 1 Resources: Economic Fundamentals.

Write a analysis (Part 1 of your report) assessing how 2 of the following major economic events influenced supply, demand, and economic equilibrium in U.S. economic activity:

• Rapid price increases, such as those caused by the 1973 oil embargo or the aftermath of a major hurricane

• Dramatic employment drops, such as the combined impact of the 2006 housing bubble burst and the subsequent Great Recession

• Crippling interest rates imposed by the Federal Reserve, such as those during the 1975-1985 time period

• Collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 and the end of the Cold War and the "peace dividend"

• The dot-com bubble from 1994 to 2000, and the subsequent dot-com crash

Part 2: Economic Concentration Evaluation

Review the Competency 1 Resources: Factors of Production and Economic Concentration.

Select 1 of the economic concentrations (clusters) below:

• Seattle-Tacoma-Olympia, WA aerospace / defense industry

• Central California winemaking industry

• Hollywood movie industry

• Silicon Valley Technology hub

• Texas / Louisiana Gulf Coast crude oil and natural gas production and refining

• Pre-1994 vs Post-1994 US auto and light truck production and the reasons for the change in economic concentration

Write a evaluation (Part 2 of your report) of economists' assessments of the role the 4 factors of production played in determining how the economic concentration you selected has evolved. Complete the following in your evaluation:

• Analyze how the economic concentration in the area you chose was influenced by competition and pricing.

• Analyze how the economic concentration in the area you chose influenced the supply chain.

• Analyze which of the 4 factors of production were the most and least important in determining the economic concentration of the area you chose.

• Predict changes you anticipate for the area of economic concentration you chose. Support your predictions.

Attachment:- The Digital Economy-Reflection.rar

Reference no: EM133091266

Questions Cloud

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