Economic environment on the enterprise

Assignment Help Public Economics
Reference no: EM131214435 , Length: word count:4000

Case Study Structure -Assessment Tasks

Major Assessment: Submission of a Case Study Report

The assessment is based on the preparation and submission of a major Case Study of an engineering or technology based organisation.

The case study should identify and examine both the external economic environment and the internal economic environment of the selected enterprise and in particular should address the following:

- The impact of the surrounding economic environment on the selected enterprise or project

- The impact of the enterprise or project on its surrounding economic environment

- The potential impact of changes in the surrounding economic environment on the enterprise/project.

There are five components to the assessment requirements for the Case Study Report as follows:

Part 1.

An introduction and background statement that outlines and describes the chosen organisation, its products and services.

Part 2.

A detailed discussion and analysis of the Internal Economic Environment of the selected company/organisation.

Part 3.

A detailed discussion and analysis of the External Economic Environment in which the company/organisation operates.

Part 4.

A detailed discussion and analysis of the impact of the External Environment on the company/organisation.

Part 5.

A detailed discussion and analysis of the potential impact of the company/organisation on the external economic environment.

The assessment is equally weighted across all 5 parts.Please ensure that you include the following details on your Case Study Report:

• Your Name and Student Number

• Your Case Study Title

Details on structuring your case study are provided in the following Study Guide.

Attachment:- Engineering Economic Strategy PPT Case Study.rar

Reference no: EM131214435

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9/21/2016 12:56:37 AM

Competent understanding of subject matter and appreciation of some of the main issues though possibly with some gaps; clearly developed arguments; relevant diagrams and literature use, perhaps with some gaps; well prepared and presented. Solid evidence of comprehension and application with perhaps some analysis.Some appreciation of subject matter and issues; work generally lacking in depth and breadth and with gaps. Often work of this grade comprises a simple factual description (i.e. basic comprehension) but little application or analysis. Work of this grade may be poorly prepared and presented. Investment of greater care and thought in organising and structuring work would be required to improve.


9/21/2016 12:56:24 AM

Exceptionally clear understanding of subject matter and appreciation of issues; well organised, formulated and sustained arguments; well thought out and structured diagrams; relevant literature referenced. Evidence of creative insight and originality in terms of comprehension, application and analysis with at least some synthesis and evaluation. Strong grasp of subject matter and appreciation of key issues, perhaps lacking a little on the finer points; clearly developed arguments; relevant and well structured diagrams; appreciation of relevant literature. Evidence of creative and solid work in terms of comprehension, application, analysis and perhaps some synthesis.


9/21/2016 12:55:37 AM

I need a help for my assignment. My course of the assignment is Engineering Economic Strategy - Please ensure that you include the following details on your Case Study Report: • Your Name and Student Number • Your Case Study Title Details on structuring your case study are provided in the following Study Guide.

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