Reference no: EM132465735
Econometrics Assignment
We are using Eviews program for econometrics analysis show our evand we need iews test in assigment.
Introduction (suggested length is one page or a little more than that)
• Basic Description of the project, by highlighting the overall goal (whether you want to help a company for future sales, help the company to solve a major problem it faces... or whether you want to make proposal for macroeconomic policy, show a policy mistake...)
• Company (industry if possible) information, if you are dealing with a macroeconomic topic(s) then give information about the content of the macroeconomic environment you face related with your overall goal
• Make a literature review of your research questions and indicate your hypothesis.
Data and Methodology (suggested length is 2,5 pages)
• Basic description of your variables (number of variables, explanation of both dependent and independent variables(s), their time horizon, source, explanation of any transformation if exists, the predicted relationship whether linear, quadratic or any other form...)
• Explain the steps you followed in line with Final Technical Steps in your Project in details, while doing this, do not get confused in too much detail but make "to the point explanations" for major steps and more importantly be aware that your steps are consistent and linked with the previous ones so that you can explain the basic intuition of what you are accomplishing (i.e. What you did and why?)
• Towards the end of this section, do not forget to reach concrete results to explain in the following section
Results (suggested length is 1 page)
• First indicate the results for each variable you have if you performed any statistical operation (i.e. when you find the ARIMA of each variable or apply other decomposition technique that we did in the lecture, or when you make other transformations to variables like taking logarithms or taking power of the series and any other operations that you found necessary and applied accordingly)
• Write down the regression equation you run (if your model includes a regression analysis) and give a reason for the relationship type you chose (whether it is linear or quadratic, by giving the reasons based on your findings)
• Comment on your regression coefficients, both on the intercept and slope coefficients, look for their significance and importance (note: do not panic if some of your variables turn out to be insignificant, it is a normal outcome and report such surprises in your report if this is the case)
• Comment on the other results of your regression analysis like R2, adjusted R2, the change in R2 if you have removed some of your initial variables, MSE, SSE, TSS, RSS, Durbin Watson statistic (I assume that you get an uncorrelated model up to this step), check heteroscedasticity and multicollinearity problems, F statistic and its consistency with t statistic of each of the independent variables (remember that if F is significant then, at least one of the independent variables must be significant)
• Indicate any policy you have made with your regression equation and explain briefly how you made this policy and give the intuition for this in a few sentences.
Conclusion (suggested length in one page)
• First explain whether the overall results of your model fit to your initial expectations that you had in the beginning
• Related with the previous part, explain why it surprised you or why it fit to your initial expectations
• In the light of your findings make appropriate and consistent recommendations to your company or to government
• If possible, also make recommendations to the other researchers that may use your variables and your model in the future
Suggested Topics:
- Poverty-Growth
- Poverty-Globalization
- Poverty-Inequality
- Growth-Technological Development
- Employment-Technological Development
- Inequality-Technological Development
- Inequality-Financial liberalization
- Inequality- Trade liberalization
- Inequality-Education
- Inequality-Social Instability
- Growth-Education
- Unemployment-Education
- Unemployment-Wage
- Unemployment-Inflation
- Interest Rate-Inflation
- Growth-Advanced Digital Production
- Minumum Wage-Inequality
- Minumum Wage-Inflation
- Growth-Industrial Production Index
- Environment-Growth
- Environment-Trade