Eclipse or netbeans environments

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13158836

Calculate the usable area in square feet of house. Assume that the house has a maximum of four rooms, and that each room is rectangular.

There are 4 components of your submission including:

  • Program Description
    • A detailed, clear description of the program you are building.
  • Analysis
    • Demonstrates your thought process and steps used to analyze the problem.
    • Be sure to include the required input and output and how you will obtain the required output from the given input?
    • Also, include your variable names and definitions.
    • Be sure to describe the necessary formulas and sample calculations that might be needed.
  • Test plan
    • Prepare at least 3 sets of input data (Test data) along with their expected output for testing your program.
    • Your test data can be presented in the form of a table as follows (note: feel free to adapt to your design)
  • Pseudocode
    • Provide pseudocode of your overall design that fulfills the requirements of the project
  • C code (optional, but recommended)
    • Provide C code, compile and run it, using any online C compiler (e.g,

As recommendation, you can try to use Eclipse or NetBeans environments that are used also for other courses as: Introduction in Java programming and Intermediate programming.

All of these components should be placed in word document for submission.

The C code have to be a document written with a text editor or Notepad++ (

Example application test data:

Test Case #


Expected Output


Room 1: length=10, width=14;
Room 2: length=9, width=10;
Room 3: length=12, width=12;

The total area is: 374 square feet


Your room dimensions

Your output


Your room dimensions

Your output

In our example the user of your program have to enter as input values:

10 14

9 10

12 12

Reference no: EM13158836

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