Eclipse ide to produce working java code files

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM131600298


For each question listed in section B you must

a) use the name for the class file as identified in the question
b) include your authorship details at the top of the file in code comments (see item 3.1 in Section C of this document for details)
c) adhere to the coding standard as identified in the Google Java Style Guide (see Section C of this document for details)
d) reference all sources that you used for inspiration of your solution as per
Section D of this document
e) Ensure that your java code compiles and runs in Eclipse 4.6.3 (Neon.3)


Complete the following questions using the Eclipse IDE to produce working Java code files.

1) Question: Exercise 3 from Week 3 Practical Exercises (Hotel Occupancy). Name of Class File: The name of the Java class for this question is to be HotelOccupancy_studentid where studentid is your student ID.

This program must be demonstrated to your class tutor for the checkpoint in week 4.

This question will contribute 30% of the marks for Prac Set 1.

Weight of Marking Criteria in this question (refer to pages 9-11 of section 2.5.1 in the Learning Guide for details of the Marking Criteria and Standards)

Code Compilation: 10% Algorithm Selection: 5% Identifier Use: 10%
Code 55% Code 10% Code 10%
Documentatio n:

Functionality/Correctness: % Documentatio n: % Readability: %

2) Question: Exercise 1 from Week 4 Practical Exercises (Paint Job Estimator).

Name of Class File: The name of the Java class for this question is to be PaintJob_studentid where studentid is your student ID.

This question will contribute 35% of the marks for Prac Set 1.

Weight of Marking Criteria in this question (refer to pages 9-11 of section 2.5.1 in the Learning Guide for details of the Marking Criteria and Standards)

Code Compilation:



Algorithm Selection:


Identifier Use:





















3) Question: Exercise 2 from Week 4 Practical Exercises (Test Average and Grade).

Name of Class File: The name of the Java class for this question is to be
TestAverage_studentid where studentid is your student ID.

This question will contribute 35% of the marks for Prac Set 1.

Weight of Marking Criteria in this question (refer to pages 9-11 of section 2.5.1 in the Learning Guide for details of the Marking Criteria and Standards)

Code Compilation:



Algorithm Selection:


Identifier Use:





















C. Google Java Style Guide

All questions in this Prac Set must adhere to the following listed coding standards as defined in the Google Java Style Guide

Style Guide Item Number Changes to Modification

2.1 to 2.3 2.1 modified 2.1 - File Name: The source file name consists of the case-sensitive name of the top-level class it contains as identified in the question, plus an underscore, plus the student ID, plus the .java extension

Style Guide Item Number

Changes to


2.1 to 2.3

2.1 modified

2.1 - File Name: The source file name consists of the case-sensitive name of the top-level class it contains as identified in the question, plus an underscore, plus the student ID, plus the .java extension


3.1 to 3.4.1

3.1 modified

3.1 - License Info is replaced by Authorship


All java source files must contain the authorship information as follows:

Student ID: Name: Campus: Tutor Name: Class Day: Class Time:

4.1 to 4.7,

NIL to,


4.8.4 to,




5, 5.1 to 5.3



D. Referencing

Referencing must follow the guidelines given on page 8 in Section 2.5.1 of the unit Learning Guide.

Verified Expert

This assignment prepared in ms word and executed all java programs in eclipse. This assignment has week 3,4 and practical set... Each assignment has solved as per question requirements and prepared report in ms word with modified coding and programs. The program program screen shots also attached with solutions.

Reference no: EM131600298

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Eclipse ide to produce working java code files : 300581 Programming Techniques - Eclipse IDE to produce working Java code files - This question will contribute 30% of the marks for Prac Set 1.
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Find the value of the marginal product of land : You are watching a debate about immigration on public television with a friend. The participants represent two camps-organized labor and corporate industry.
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Compare the methods for depreciating plant assets : Imagine that you are the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of a startup airline company. Compare and contrast the three (3) methods for depreciating plant assets



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2. Upload the above zip file in the Prac Set 1 Submission link provided in vUWS. G. Marking Criteria and Standards The marking criteria and standards for Prac Set 1 are found on pages 9-11 of section 2.5.1 in the Learning Guide and will be used to assess each question in this Prac Set according to the specific weightings identified above in each question.


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• Zip up the Prac1 folder in which you have created your solution for this prac set. • Name the ZIP file studentid_StudentName _PracSet1_Checkpoint.ZIP where studentid is your student ID • Submit the ZIP file by uploading it in the Prac Set 1 Submission link provided in vUWS. A. Final Prac Set 1 Submission Procedure To submit your Prac Set 1 you must do the following by the due date and time specified on page 1 of this document. 1. Create a zip file which contains a. your Java source code file(s) for each of the three questions above Note: The zip file must be named according to the naming convention: where studentid is your student id, and StudentName is your full name.


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D. Referencing Referencing must follow the guidelines given on page 8 in Section 2.5.1 of the unit Learning Guide. E. Checkpoint The Prac Set 1 Checkpoint will occur in your registered practical class in week 4. At this checkpoint you will • demonstrate your completed Java program for Question 1 in section B above. • answer a few short questions from the tutor about your work

Write a Review

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