Reference no: EM133142754 , Length: word count: 1000 words
ECE6003 - Contemporary Issues, Social Contexts of Learning and Social Justice Assignment - Victoria University
Portfolio Piece Assessment -
Assessment Overview - In this assessment task, you will develop a learning experience for independent play, based on a reading of a picture book that relates to a contemporary social justice issue in ECE.
The purpose of this assessment task is to:
-connect your understanding of the wider issues pertaining to Early Childhood education and your personal practice
-plan and document
Learning Outcomes - The unit learning outcome(s) assessed is/are:
1: Elucidate and apply knowledge and understanding of both the historical and philosophical underpinnings of early childhood education.
2: Formulate critical actions that respond to diverse early childhood contexts and situations, both locally and globally.
Instructions - Follow the below instructions to complete Assessment:
0. Choose a children's picture book that relates to a contemporary social justice issue in EC
1. Explain the issue represented in the book and connect to a theoretical perspective from the unit
2. Imagine you have read the book with a group of children several times. Practice reading it to yourself, children in your life, your friends, family, cat/dog, or anyone/thing who will listen.
3. Plan a play-based experience that will encourage the children to play with elements of the book. Use the following template:
0. NB: It must be planned for children to play with independently, with close supervision or involvement from you - reading the book together has been the introduction. Think about what open-ended questions or vocabularly you might use to support play.
4. Identify which elements of the book you are providing for children to play with - how will you set it up (if you have an opportunity to actually do it on placement or with children you know, you can include photographs of the set up).
5. Explain how playing here will support children to engage with the message.
6. Connect your ideas to the main body of the VEYLDF or EYLF (not the outcomes).
Attachment:- Learning Experience Template File.rar