Reference no: EM133002117
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Investigate Commonwealth Bank of Australia market efficiency in the market in which your company is listed. for the event to study, and investigate your company's stock price around a recent earnings announcement of the company.
-Firstly, you will have to identify a date on which your company has done an earnings announcement. Go to Yahoo Finance, and type "earnings calendar", explain the company's ticker code in the separate search bar. The announcement date is termed day 0.
-Next, download the daily stock prices of your company during the period around the earnings announcement date, and plot a graph of the stock price from trading day -5 to trading day 5. Trading days are all days during which the stock exchange is open. In event studies we ignore weekends, which means, for example, that if the announcement day (day 0) is a Monday, then (day -1) is going to be the previous Friday.
-Address the following questions. What is market efficiency? Which form of market efficiency are we examining with an event study? If the market is efficient, what is the expected stock price reaction to an earnings announcement before day 0, on day 0 and after day 0? Look at the stock price of your assigned company, is the market efficient?