Reference no: EM133670367
Reflect on your connection to the Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) sector, by answering the following questions.
1. What are some of the media messages that you have heard about childcare issues? Choose one of the problematizations of childcare in the Richardson and Langford chapter and discuss how your thinking about it might have changed now that you have learned more about the childcare context in Canada.
Below are all the problemisations...
Broad public problem: Caring for children is a public responsibility, rather than something that falls to the market, parents or families
Market problem: Childcare is a commodity like any other, supply will meet demand and market will regulate cost
Private/family problem Women's equity problem: Childcare is the responsibility of parents/families/mothers. Childcare is necessary for women's full participation in society
Family equity problem Child well-being problem Labour market problem: Childcare is necessary for families' full inclusion in society. Quality care is a basic right of children. Childcare is necessary for optimal labour market functioning (utilising skills/education of workers)
Human capital problem: Childcare services is an investment in the future productivity of people
Poverty reduction problem: Childcare is necessary to reduce poverty; a lack of childcare perpetuates poverty
Generational equity problem: Childcare is necessary for younger generations to have the same opportunities as previous generations
Economic problem: Childcare is an essential financial investment
Social solidarity problem: Childcare is necessary for a cohesive, multicultural, inclusive society
Early childhood workforce problem: Childcare policy is necessary for the workforce to gain adequate remuneration and employment
Population growth problem: Childcare is necessary to keep the population reproducing
Other Childcare is not a problem
2. In the context of early childhood education, do you find the analogy of the boiling frog helpful? Why or why not?
3. Now that Canada has a national childcare program (CWELCC) what do you know about it? How do you perceive its effect on you? On society?