Earlier in this activity

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Reference no: EM133454774


Earlier in this activity, you were asked to determine how each of... Earlier in this activity, you were asked to determine how each of the theories related to, or helped to explain change. You will now apply your learning to a current event of change. Looking at any change event that is currently in the news, apply two of these theories and analyse how each perspective would explain the cause, need for, or result of this change. You can find change in many news stories, but examples might include a specific political change, environmental regulation, or social issue. Your work should contain the following elements: a summary paragraph that informs the reader about the change event that you have selected; two paragraphs (one for each theory that you have selected) to outline how it might explain this specific event; and a statement indicating which of the two theories you feel is a better fit when viewing this change event. Justify your selection. Use at least two different news sources to learn about your current change event. Make sure you provide proper citations for these sources throughout your written assignment. Try to utilize both direct and indirect quotations in your writing.

Reference no: EM133454774

Questions Cloud

Explain and elaborate on grounds : Explain and elaborate on grounds. Explain and elaborate on typifying example. Explain and elaborate on names.
Distinction between the work ethic and workaholism : Second, where are you or where you do you think you'll be relative to either having a work ethic or being a workaholic?
Non-governmental or governmental program : Describe how either a non-governmental or governmental program address poverty using structural functionalism.
Discuss a type of islamic multiculturalism : Can Sufism be considered a type of Islamic multiculturalism?
Earlier in this activity : Earlier in this activity, you were asked to determine how each of... Earlier in this activity, you were asked to determine how each of the theories related to
How might social control and deviance within sociology : "What do you think? How might this relate to the topic of religion, social control, and deviance within sociology?"
Tenets of symbolic interaction perspective : Analyze the basic tenets of the symbolic interaction perspective, according to the work of GH Mead, paying special attention to the concept of "the self";
How sex is imagined and idealized in our culture : What are some examples of how the ideology of ability shapes how sex is imagined and idealized in our culture?
Career opportunities : Would you consider other career opportunities now that you have looked at your peer's mind maps?


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