Reference no: EM132495839
EAMP4000 Professional Communication Practice - kaplan business school
Assessment 1A
Assessment Description Section 1A.
In order to fully explore the themes covered in the scenario, provide options and apply the various theories that you have covered in the subject so far, two In-Class Sessions will focus on exploring the Scenario in detail.
You will undertake an analysis of the Scenario and then individually upload an image/file to the Moodle Submission Box in Week 5. On-line Class Attendance/Sectionicipation is required to complete this assessment
Assessment 1B
Section 1B.
Building on the theories identified below, you are asked to apply what you have learned so far in the subject to the provided scenario.
Marks will be allocated based on your assessment of the scenario provided, your understanding what needs to be done and the decisions you make as to how you would approach the situation based on the procedures discussed in your readings and in-class discussions.
You will be given two questions to answer as Section of your assessment, the questions will be provided to you in Week 3 in-class
Theories for Review
The themes explored in the Scenario focus on:
• Emotional Intelligence
• Self-Awareness
• Self-Regulation
• Empathy
• Workplace Environment
• Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication
Attachment:- Professional Communication Practice.rar