Each student will create a blog to post their observations

Assignment Help Marketing Management
Reference no: EM13390112

To observe and document the concepts of this course through your observations and subsequent application to current marketing issues /problems.

Each student will create a Blog to post their observations of marketing strategies and tactics weekly. These can be current marketing events that you have read about or observed in your professional or personal lives. The objective of the assignment is to stretch and solidify knowledge of the marketing concepts through direct application and commentary. At least one substantial blog of 200 – 300 words in is required.

This is not a report on what you see. You are expected to inquire, ponder, to be inquisitive, to consider alternate possibilities to make us think about how marketing concepts are being applied or defied and the relative success.

In this assignment, as the Blogger, you are considered the expert – the person that has something to say that other people want to read and even comment about. Begin to look at everything in the world around you, whether it be through the news, the store, your favorite website or the eyes of your kids, as having some relevance to marketing.

-A catcy title would be good.
-Please remember, you don’t need outside sources and it is a blog about what you are learning, how it is influencing you, and so on. I just don’t want you to think it is another discussion board post. A couple students treated it like one and had a reference they discussed. Please don’t do this and use your own experience, thoughts, and so on to write the blog

Reference no: EM13390112

Questions Cloud

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