Reference no: EM13762333
1- _________ is unsolicited e-mail that promotes product or service, or they be part of hoax:
2- A______ is a hacker with little technical survey who downloads hacking code from the Internet and click and point points his/her way into systems to cause damage or spread viruses:
3- Infare wireless networks that pretend to offer trustworthy WI-FI connection to the Internet:
4- __________ is a crime in which an imposter obtains key prices of personal information in order to impersonate the victim:
5- Stan pulled crumpled memo from a trash bin outside the Milestone Date Center. He will use the information he found to get password into their computer system. Scan is (r):
6- A(n)____________ is a program that appears to be useful but actually masks a destructive program:
7- The practice of talking a person into providing a critical computer password or other information valuable to the hackers:
8-_________ is/are the intangible experiences, ideas concepts or discoveries that result from an individuals or corporations creative activity:
9- Which of these typically collects one line of information for every visitor to a web site and stores that information on the company's web server:
10- SW that runs on your computer without your knowledge, ^ information which is then transmitted to another party is:
11- Unauthorized copying of software, a major of software theft, is known as:
12- During a ________, an attacker floods a web site with so many requests for services that it shows down or crashes the site:
13- A program that when installed on a computer, record every keyhole and mouse click is called ( an )
14- the process of encoding massages before they enter the network, then decoding them to the receiving end to make unauthorized viewing more difficult is called
15- which would NOT be an Issue to consider in the selection of a biometric technique to use
16- A high tech scam in which an E-mall requests the update, confirmation, or sensitive personal information by misunderstanding its legitimate requests is site:
17---- is a way to unisrepeaent oneself on the internet- it often involves forging the return address of an email to that message appears to come front someone other than the actual sender:
18---- is when cavslrooers drive by building try to intercept network trifle
19- A security profile
20-A ----- Is a combination of HW and SW that sets as a filler or bonier between a private network and external computers or networks by examine data or examine the Network
21- the registering selling or using an Internet domain name in order to profit from someone else's company product or trademark recognition is called
22- A small text file error added in WEB browser and saved on the user's hard drive that can be used to store and rarebit information about cubits habits end sale visit is
23- --- is the ability to know or determine that a person who he/she claims to be in order to confirm a user's identity:
24- A separate fully equipped facility where a firm can move immediately after a disaster and resume business is a
25- requires a user to answer a question or series of questions to verify their identity in order to access network or program
26. A software feature that crease the screen and sign the user off automatically after specified length of inactivity is:
27. Which of the following might be included of part of a Fault Tolerant System:
28. A _______ is a hacker who hacks into system in order to spread a philosophical, political, or religious agenda rather than to steal data or money:
29. A ______ is a type of malware that is an independent program that can spread itself without having to be attached to host program:
30. A ________ protects product names and identifying marks or logos:
31. Fingerprint, voiceprints, vie analysis, iris analysis are all types of:
32. Which ethical principle states that you should take the action that achieves the higher or greater value:
33. The issue created when those with access to the technology have advantages over those without access to technology is called:
34. All of the following are including in the fair information principles (FIP) EXCEPT:
35. Which Ethical principle states that if an action is not right for everyone to take, it is not right for anyone:
36. _________ is the average inventory to held to satisfy costumers demand between schedule inventory defensive:
37. If you are a manufacture, which of the following would be considered to be an upstream partner in your supply chain:
38. Which CRM technology McDonald's uses when it seeks its costumers if they would like to super-size their orders:
39. What accesses organization databases that track similar issues questions and automatically generate the details to the costumer service rep who can they relay them to the costumer:
40. A ______ of SCM is also known as a demand driven model or a build-to-order model in which actual customer orders trigger events in the supply chain:
41. What CRM technology is McDonalds using when they ask if you want a hot apple pie with your order?
42. The ability to view all areas up and down the supply chain is called?
43. What it called when distorted product demand information passes from one entity to the next throughout the supply chain?
44. Interactive voice response (IVR)
45. _______ integrates all departments and functions throughout an organization into a single IT system so that employees can make enterprise- wide decisions
46. Which of the following is not a benefit or a characteristic of ERP?
47. in supply chain management distribution of products to costumers would be considered ______
48. _______ systems are older
49. many ERP's are deigned to include__________, the procedures and practices that are widely accepted as being among the most
50. economy's _______ is an.