E commerce business

Assignment Help Software Engineering
Reference no: EM13726068

Activity - based upon Chapter 5

Idea for an e-business: For this activity come up with an idea for an e-commerce business (as you learned in Chapter 5: E-Commerce). Work on completing the tasks (A through D) below:

PART - A: Write 1-2 paragraphs describing your idea (business goals & objectives) for your e-commerce business (for example, health-care related products selling, clothing sales etc.). Be sure to include information about your potential business, products, services, and customers.

PART - B: Write 1-2 paragraphs describing your plan for the overall look and feel of your e-commerce website, specifying any fonts or color schemes you want to employ. How do you plan to find customers and establish relationships (via online) with them?

PART - C: Make a list of five keywords that can be used in your Web page header so customers can easily find your site when using a search engine.

PART - D: Find a site to host your online business and work up a table showing monthly and annual hosting costs.

Reference no: EM13726068

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