Reference no: EM133068022
The e-business's board of trustees wants Will Learner to provide assurances that the e-business health institute's traditional customer constituents will be served well by its e-marketing process. Mr. Learner has turned to your team to provide current information on the ability of online portals, such as the e-business health institute's Web site, to facilitate more adaptable links among the e-business customer types. More broadly, the board of trustees and Will Learner want to determine the student target market that MedEd should attract.
You will use your expertise on segmentation to determine the psychographic market segment that you think MedEd should now attract. Furthermore, as a team, you will also draw on your e-marketing expertise to compose a presentation analyzing the following 4 key strategic connections created by the e-business health institute's Web site portal:
Business-to-business (B2B) exchanges among the e-business's business/organizational customers
Business-to-customer (B2C) exchanges between the e-business's business/organizational customers and its individual consumer network of online users and visitors
Customer-to-business (C2B) exchanges between the e-business's individual consumer students/users and business/organizational customers
Customer-to-customer (C2C) exchanges among the e-business's constituents
In addition, President Learner has made you aware of the extreme concern among powerful members of the MedEd board of trustees regarding ethical and cross-cultural considerations associated with an online learning platform. Your team's presentation should propose policies for ethical safeguards related to online privacy and guidelines for embracing cross-cultural, diversity health care education considerations.
Individual Portion
Each member of the team should research and complete an individual paper. This individual paper may be made in either Word or PowerPoint, and it should determine the student psychographic market segment that the integrated MedEd/CHC should now attract. The paper should address the following areas:
Explain the specific psychographic market segment of students whom you wish to attract and the qualities of this psychographic market segment. (The Live chat this week will discuss different psychographic segments and their qualities. Select one of the psychographic segments from the Live chat. If you strongly believe that, another psychographic segment is better, email the professor to explain why, and so the professor can approve it, by Monday before the assignment is due.)
Justify why the psychographic segment is appropriate for the new MedEd university that you envision.
Discuss at least 2 marketing strategies that reflect the segment's qualities, and explain why the marketing strategies support the segment's qualities.