DWIN309 Developing Web Information Systems Assignment

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM132898679

DWIN309 Developing Web Information Systems - Kent Institute

Formative Assessment Task

Learning Outcome 1: Develop a web-based information system using basic technologies such as mark-up languages, stylesheets, JavaScript, PHP, and databases.

Learning Outcome 2: Produce relevant design, implementation and test documentation, including risk, service and change management plans.

Learning Outcome 3: Critically analyse a range of software development methodologies, compare their strengths and weaknesses and have an in-depth understanding of the design process, platforms and tools for developing a web information system.

Learning Outcome 4: Work effectively as part of a team in the production of a web information system and related documentation and reports.


This assignment will be undertaken in groups of Three or Four students. Based on the case study provided in Task 1 (System Design Solution Assignment), students are required to build, implement a web-site and submit the project (Working Tested System - program code) as well as a document report for the system.

The document report should address the following points:

• Achieves the required functionality - clearly articulate what worked well and why, what did not work well and why, how to improve.
• Testing the system - testing of an individual program or module including identifying and eliminating execution errors that could the program to terminate abnormally, and logic errors that could have been missed during desk checking.
• Program documentation - describing the inputs, outputs, and processing logic for all program modules.
• System documentation - describing the system's functions and how they are implemented - eg. Data dictionary entries, data flow diagrams, screen layout, source documentation.
• User documentation - consisting of instructions and information to users who will interact with the system and includes user manuals.

This assignment is aimed at developing a web-based application for a fictious banking website. The system is an online application that can be accessed throughout the organization and outside as well with proper login provided.

The directory of the website has been planned to have a simple MVC architecture, with a centralised storage of the database. The user interfaces have to be designed using HTML5 and CSS3 styling when necessary. The middleware can be developed using PHP scripts along with the SQL queries.

Following are the functional needs of the system:

1. Customer must have a valid user ID and password to login to the system. (You can have a hardcoded user details to start with in the back end. Also have initial balance to start with zero)

2. After the valid user logs in, the system shows the present balance in that particular account.

3. Customer can perform transactions like deposit and withdrawal from his/her account. There are only three types of account available: Saving Bank Account, Credit Bank Account, and Everyday Bank Account.

4. Transfer of funds to other accounts.

5. Deposit of funds by the client.

6. You need to keep track of all the transactions for future references as this is supposed to be show the customer as a statement.

7. It is required that the system also have another type of user who is an Administrator of the system.

8. Administrator can see, add, edit and remove any customers from the banking list.

9. When a user logs out after depositing funds or transferring funds and then logs in back again, the old transactions along with the updated balance should not be lost.

10. All the above-mentioned tasks should be interacting with the Database in the backend using SQL queries along with the PHP scrips in the middleware and HTML, HTML5 and CSS for the front end.

Attachment:- Developing Web Information Systems.rar

Reference no: EM132898679

Questions Cloud

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DWIN309 Developing Web Information Systems Assignment : DWIN309 Developing Web Information Systems Assignment Help and Solution, Kent Institute - Assessment Writing Service
How much is the optimal cash balance of the company : The interest rate on marketable securities is 5% and there is $8 per transaction. How much is the optimal cash balance of the company?
Is it possible to decrypt the message with different key : Use a two-stage transposition technique to encrypt the following message using the key "Decrypt". Is it possible to decrypt the message with a different key?
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What areas of technology are an issue for participants : What areas of technology are an issue for participants? What are the issues with organizational boundaries for participants?


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