Reference no: EM13246102
1. After the arrival of the Europeans,
A) the east Asian societies quickly fell under indirect European economic control.
B) the rapid spread of Christianity threatened the very survival of Buddhism.
C) the east Asian societies immediately fell under direct European control.
D) the east Asian societies quickly copied the ways of the more advanced Europeans.
E) east Asian societies largely controlled their own affairs until the nineteenth century.
2. In an effort to stabilize China internally, the Ming emperors
A) accepted the Yuan traditions that had been in place for a century.
B) stressed Chinese traditions from the era before the Mongol Yuan dynasty.
C) followed the more successful Indian centralization model.
D) adopted the methods used by the powerful early modern European states.
E) copied the centralizing techniques that had proved so successful in Japan.
3. Which of the following was NOT an action of the Manchus after conquering China?
A) They encouraged intermarriage between Chinese and Manchus.
B) They forbade Chinese from learning the Manchurian language.
C) They forced Chinese men to grow a queue as a sign of submission.
D) They did not allow the Chinese to travel to Manchuria.
E) They carefully guarded their own cultural identity.
4. The phrase “son of heaven” refers to
A) the near godlike status that the Jesuit Matteo Ricci reached in China.
B) the explanation for the incredible appeal of Christianity in Japan.
C) the Chinese emperor’s role in maintaining order on the earth.
D) the belief that the Japanese emperors were direct descendents of the sun goddess Amatarasu.
E) the syncretic Christian-Buddhist religion.
5. During the Ming and Qing dynasties,
A) women achieved a level of equality and freedom never seen before in Chinese history.
B) women had many more literary and cultural opportunities than ever before.
C) the role of women was fashioned after the prevailing pattern in Japan.
D) the greater freedom for women was a reflection of European influence.
E) patriarchal authority over females became tighter than ever before.
6. Foreign trade during the Qing dynasty
A) was carried out exclusively with the Europeans.
B) was actively supported by the government and grew much larger than ever before.
C) was based on free market principles.
D) was limited and under tight governmental control.
E) was fueled by the payment of valuable Chinese silver in return for imports.
7. With the exception of the emperor and his family, the most exalted members of Chinese society were
A) the scholar-bureaucrats.
B) the peasants.
C) the merchants.
D) the army.
E) the navy.
8. The Chinese were hesitant to convert to Christianity because
A) of Matteo Ricci’s refusal to respect Chinese traditions.
B) by that time Islam had already made important inroads into China.
C) of what had happened to Korea when they converted to Christianity.
D) of Christianity’s exclusivity concerning other beliefs such as Daoism and Buddhism.
E) of the monotheistic traditions of Confucianism.