Dsm options and techniques

Assignment Help Managerial Economics
Reference no: EM13702500 , Length: 1000

The aim is for you to research energy suppliers within one of the regions covered in HIA3 and consider supplier selections based on energy market pricing structures for a given geographic region, you may also want to consider the supply.

You should be able to locate the information via a simple web search, considering that if you have less than 50 occupants you may use consumer rates, rather than business rates to make your judgement of suppliers.

There are useful sites that you should be able to find as masters' students for both the UK (Margate) and Bulgarian (Nessebar and Pamporovo) properties.

You only have to choose 1 region for your HIA3 analysis. Looking at the properties in the United Kingdom and Bulgaria from the Hand-in select one of the regions and conduct an analysis of potential energy suppliers available given concerns about an imminent rise in energy prices and the planned extension of the building, from its present 80 ensuite double and twin bedrooms, to add an additional 20 ensuite rooms and two three-room suites. Show your considerations when selecting a preferred supplier along with a rationale for your selection, using a real example supplier.

Additionally, analyse the months and times of peak and off-peak energy use. Using some of the DSM options and techniques discussed in this week, provide a proposal for the management of peak and off-peak energy consumption for existing rooms in a 1980s concrete frame commercial building and the planned new build extension. In addition, analyse the potential cost-savings over time that will result from the application of the selected DSM options and techniques applied to the chosen property.

Please make sure that you cite and reference all your outside sources properly, as per the Harvard Referencing System.

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Reference no: EM13702500

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