DSGN6030 Design Economies Assignment Problem

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Reference no: EM132405006 , Length: word count:800

DSGN6030 Design Economies Assignment - Laureate International Universities, Australia

Assessment - Business Canvas Draft and Final

Learning Outcomes -

1. Assess and research primary and secondary sources to obtain the data required to support a prospective business plan.

2. Recognise the process by which an idea emerges from the research as a value proposition.

3. Formulate a business canvas that addresses nine protocols required for business planning.

4. Integrate the business canvas within an economic model.

Context: Having completed your feasibility study, this assessment will require you to generate an illustrated business plan or canvas to support the design of your product/service. Your primary and secondary findings will continue to inform the nine categories behind your specific markets' 'need' as underpinned by your selected economic framework/s.

Instructions: Osterwalder's business model canvas is a visual representation of 9 key elements that integrate and build 'value' into your product/service. It is a way to innovate through your line of thinking and one of the most important activities you can undertake providing a simple to use structure to help visualise the heart of your venture. It offers focus and flexibility on what drives your idea. While it can be customised on one illustrated piece of paper, the mechanics of your venture should be re-drawn (again and again), iterating enough for you to complete a strong 'birds-eye' view of a more successful entity. The assessment has two 'parts', a draft to be uploaded for discussion in Module 4.2, with the final delivery addressing changes and re-drafts to be submitted in Module 5.2.

Here are the following key elements:

1) Customer segments: for whom are we creating value, who are our most important customers: mass market, niche market, segmented, diversified, multi-sided.

2) Value proposition: what value do we deliver to the customer, which problem/s of the customers are we helping to solve, what bundles of products or services are we offering to each segment, which customer needs are we satisfying.

3) Revenue streams: for what value are our customers willing to pay, what do they currently pay, how are they currently paying, how would they prefer to pay, how much does each revenue stream contribute to overall revenues.

4) Key activities: what do we perform well or need to perform well, what key activities do our value propositions require, our distribution channels, our customer relationships, revenue streams.

5) Resources: what is indispensable, helps build and maintain infrastructure (while you grow) to continue delivering value. Types of resources: physical, intellectual, human, financial.

6) Partnerships: who helps leverage resources with you, suppliers, who help you minimize risk, who helps you economise.

7) Channels: through which channels do you reach your customers, how can you integrate the channels, which ones will work best, which are most cost effective?

8) Cost structure: you need to understand your infrastructure to be able to arrive at a cost structure. What are the most important costs inherent in creating your product/service, maintaining it, administering it, delivering it to customers, (fixed costs like rent or leases always remain the same), variable costs such as marketing, advertising, need to be considered.

Deliverable - A clear design visual presentation on a business canvas template (provided) with accompanying word doc., 1,000 words, 11 pt. Arial, supporting and/or expanding on the information sited on your canvas template. APA style referencing, evidence of primary and secondary findings articulated in the body of the work.

Attachment:- Design Economies Assignment Files.rar

Reference no: EM132405006

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DSGN6030 Design Economies Assignment Problem : DSGN6030 Design Economies Assignment Help and Solution - Laureate International Universities, Australia. Assessment - Business Canvas Draft and Final
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11/21/2019 11:41:56 PM

Attached is feasibility report please study that with the given feedback and make a business canvas according to the instructions given in the assessment 3 brief file. Please send the rough draft by tonight so that i can consult with my lecturer and then after revision send the final draft. Canvas example is also attached. business canvas upto 600-800 words . I need the rough canvas tonight by tonight to get feedback from mentor. I need to get this fix by mentor before I submit final assessment, it can be in canvas form or word file. i will send the feedback tomorrow and then you can make the final draft with corrections.

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