Dscuss dumpling

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133457643


For this assignment, you will choose 5 different countries and discuss their "dumpling" !

At least 2 of the dumplings you choose should traditionally have a sweet filling and the other 3 should traditionally have a savory filling. You will be scored based on the detail of your answers, so be as descriptive as possible.

Complete the following for each of the 5 countries you choose:

  1. Traditional name of dumpling and Country of Origin
  2. Sweet or Savory?
  3. When is this traditionally eaten? (e.g. breakfast, appetizer, specific holiday?)
  4. Ingredients and Preparation (e.g. fried, baked, or other)
  5. How is this traditionally eaten? (e.g. with a sauce, dry, with a dip?)
  6. Please provide a picture of each dumpling you describe.

Reference no: EM133457643

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