Drug-nutrient or herbal-supplement-nutrient interactions

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133545068

Read the sections of chapters 11 and 12 in your textbook dealing with drug-nutrient or herbal/supplement-nutrient interactions and answer the following questions:

1. Have you ever encountered a situation in which you experienced (or had another person experience) a drug (OTC or prescription), herbal, or supplement-nutrient interaction? If so, explain what it was. If you have not, research a common interaction and explain it. Your explanation should include what drugs, herbs, or supplements and nutrient(s) are involved as well as the possible result of the interaction. Note that you are not to report on the side effects of a drug, herb or supplement, but rather how these might interact with a nutrient (in foods or in supplemental form) and result in a negative effect.

2. When you looked for information on the interaction where did you look? How were your questions or concerns addressed?

3. Where, in your experience, does the public turn to for information on drugs, herbs, or supplements? Are these sources usually reputable? How would you determine if a source, whether a person or an article or other, is reputable?

4. Do you think healthcare professionals have met the challenge of helping people find suitable nutritional supplements? Why or why not? How might socioeconomic status come into play when choosing between or within prescription medications or OTC medications/supplements/herbs? If someone needed to determine if nutrient status was being compromised because of an interaction, what tests could be done?

Reference no: EM133545068

Questions Cloud

Develop an eating plan that incorporates adequacy : Why is it important to develop an eating plan that incorporates adequacy, balance, calorie control, moderation, and variety in order to prevent
What is iron deficiency anemia : What is Iron deficiency anemia. how do you treat it and is it serious. what happens if you don't treat it what can cause it. who more likely to have it.
The disease is iron deficiency anemia : Describe any side effects of the medications that would interfere with the person's metabolism or eating. What food(s) should the patient NOT eat?
Description of related pathologies : Intake Analysis - Include a description of related pathologies in there are any for any nutrient under 50% or over 150% of your daily recommended
Drug-nutrient or herbal-supplement-nutrient interactions : Have you ever encountered situation in which you experienced (or had another person experience) a drug, herbal, or supplement-nutrient interaction?
Calculate medication dosage and nutritional needs : A 43-year-old patient is critically ill and unconscious. You need an estimate of his height to calculate medication dosage and nutritional needs.
Deficiency diseases names and significant conditions : Describe diseases and conditions that result from deficiencies of vitamins: vitamin A, D and vitamin K. All deficiency diseases names and significant conditions
What are the key ethical concepts : What are the key ethical concepts, as described in your textbook, that we need to understand as healthcare professionals?
Specific food and drug interactions : List six different ways food and drugs can interact as indicated in the text. List four specific food and drug interactions and why they need to be addressed.


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