Drug egichloins prevents the spindle microtubules

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133491600


1. In What order do events ocour during mitosis?

A) "chromosomes condense.

- nuclear envelope dissolves -› chromosomes at midline › sister chromatids separate - cytokinesis

B) chromosomes condense chromosomes at midine sister chromatids separate - nuclear envelope dissolves cytokinesis

C) cytokinesis a chromosomes condense - nuclear envelope dissolves - sister chromatids separate a chromosomes at midline

D) cytokinesis a chromosomes at midine

• chromosomes condense - nuclear envelope dissolves sister chromatids

2. Which of the following statements is FALSE?

A) The nuclear envelope dissolves in prometaphase and reforms in telophase

B) In prophase, chromosomes condense into compact structures.

C) The spindle forms and altaches to chromosomes in prometaphase.

D) In metaphase, each sister chromatid moves toward the spindle pole to which it is attached.

3. The drug egichloins prevents the spindle's microtubules from forming or growing. What would happen in mitosis to a cell that was given colchicine throughout mitosis?

A) The chromosomes would not condense

B) The nuclear envelope vrould not dissolve

C)The chromosomes would not line up for metaphase

D)The enromosomes vrould line up for metaphase but would not pull apart in anaphase.

4. Would a cell that was missing the kinetochores on one of its chromosomes be able to get past the metaphase checkpoint?

A) No, because the spindle could not attach to that chromosome and pull it to the midline

B) No, because cohesin on that chromosome could not dissolve.

C) "No, because kinetochores are necessary for sister chromatids to be held together.

D) Yes, because kinetochores do not have any effect on the metaphase checkpoint.

Reference no: EM133491600

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