Drops three expensive digital cameras on the table

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM133434583

1. Describe Probable Cause

John walks into a police station, drops three expensive digital cameras on the table and tells the officer that Steve robbed Best Buy two weeks ago and stole those cameras. John will not say anything else is response to police questioning. A quick investigation reveals that the digital cameras were among a number of items stolen in the Best Buy robbery. Do the police have probable case to do or all of the following?

a. Arrest John? If so, how - support your answer. If not, support your answer.

b. Arrest Steve? If so, how - support your answer. If not, support your answer.

c. Search John's home.

d. Search Steve's home.

How would you proceed if you were the law enforcement officer that was at the table when this occurred?

Reference no: EM133434583

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