Drooling and complaint of painful swallowing

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133730967


An 8-year-old girl presents with drooling and a complaint of painful swallowing. She has a high fever and is lethargic. On examination the nurse sees that her palatine tonsils are bright red and swollen. The girl's mother says that she has never had these symptoms before. A throat culture indicates a streptococcus infection. What is the course of treatment that the nurse would expect in this situation?

Reference no: EM133730967

Questions Cloud

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Drooling and complaint of painful swallowing : An 8-year-old girl presents with drooling and a complaint of painful swallowing. She has a high fever and is lethargic.
Performing fertility assessment : Why must a nurse ask about the client's workplace when performing a fertility assessment?
History of childhood abuse : A client is admitted to the psychiatric-mental health unit with a history of childhood abuse and a recent suicide attempt.
Diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder : A nurse is counseling a client who was diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder. What intervention is the nurse using?
First shift gossiping about phlebotomist on second shift : You hear one of the phlebotomists on first shift gossiping about a phlebotomist on second shift. Do you tell the second shift phlebotomist? Why or why not?


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