Drivers to cash flow

Assignment Help Finance Basics
Reference no: EM1332306

Answer the attached questions with at least five sentences each, >>>thoroughly and in your own words<<<

1. Identify two key drivers to cash flow. How do these drivers impact corporate value?

2. Define market efficiency.

3. What are some of the ambiguities encountered in accounting on an accrual basis?

4. How could accounting profits for the same time period differ when determined for tax purposes versus public accounting (reporting) purposes?

5. How do you go from accounting reports based on accrual accounting to determining cash flows?

6. Distinguish between a financial indicator and a value driver.

7. What is the argument that DCF is a major determinant of stock prices?

8. What is the comparative relevance in short-term factors/long-term factors in determining stock prices?

Reference no: EM1332306

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