Drive system assembly manufacturability study

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Reference no: EM132269738


Protect Goal: To assess the manufacturability of the current design, based on the included drawing packages, under production conditions.

The drawing packages detail a transmission/drive system and heated press platen for a horizontal hot press capable of 250oF and 10,000 lbf per drive unit. Four serapid chain drives are used to power the heated platen. (These are drives that push a chain without chain buckling.) Load cells in series with each chain are used in control of the system. The structural framework supports four serapid drive units (∼45 lb each) and is the reaction point for the platen loads. Outboard of the transmission drive framework is the reducer/motor mounting plate.

Approach: Based on existing design information, review the proposed manufacturing techniques assuming a production volume of 250 units/year. Recommend specific manufacturing methods that are most appropriate for component production within the present design. Also, develop an approach to component redesign aimed at most efficient manufacture. Parameters for design optimization for manufacture are to include:

  • Production Cost Decrease,
  • Assembly Ease,
  • Lifetime Cost Decrease (maintainability), and
  • Reliability Improvement.

Drawing Package Review -

  • Perform a critical review of the existing design drawings. Discuss the present level of manufacturability (on a part-by-part basis as necessary).
  • Assess which components within the existing design can be effectively improved within the Study, versus within the Redesign.

Manufacturing Study -

  • Describe changes that could be made to improve manufacturability without a major hardware redesign. No part count reduction can be made.
  • Make recommendations regarding how you believe the manufacturing methods and materials should be modified for the determined high payoff components, on a component-by-component basis.

Design for Manufacture -

  • Initiate a redesign for manufacture based on existing design drawings. (Redesign will be constrained by the need to interface directly to all other modules of complete unit.)






(Unit Cost)

(Total Cost)

(Unit Cost)


















































Realize that these are rough estimates of some of the necessary components and should only be used as a guideline in your investigation. They were often guesstimates, based on previous experience and not bids from vendors. However, the values should give you a good starting point.

You may assume that all forms of manufacture are uniformly available to "your company". You do not have to consider the capital cost of equipment in your estimates. Another way to think of this is that "your company" is strictly involved in the design and will be contracting out all manufacturing operations (other than manufacturing design).

Also, note that the design represented in the drawing package was developed for a pre-production prototype version of the machine. 3 units were to be constructed.

Determination of Component Priority -

How do we determine the order of priority for manufacturability variation of an existing design? Priority of effort should be based on the following considerations to ensure critical points are addressed in an efficient fashion.

Ease of Proposed Modification

Will Small Volume Production be Indicative of Mass' Produced Properties

  • material replacement should be straight forward in small volumes,
  • configuration design modifications are testable, and
  • cost effectiveness/manufacturability potentially difficult to test.

How Many Other Parts does the Modification Affect

  • are other components removed by this modification?
  • does this modification incur major changes in other components?
  • are additional components required because of this change?

What is Cost of Proposed Modification

  • compare projected cost of manufacture based on projected production volume, and
  • consider cost of redesign and testing.

Knowledge Gained through Proposed Modification -

Will a Modification during Evaluation Model Stage give Significant Information

  • is sufficient time available to analyze/implement information gained?
  • can design for manufacture be completed in time for implementation?

Component Integration/Part Minimization Potential -

What Design Variations will Have Greatest Effect on Number of Parts

  • focus on bolted assemblies.

What Design Variations will hnprove Assembly

  • focus on ease of alignment, and
  • minimize tolerance requirements where possible.

What Design Variations will Maximize the Reliability

  • consider stress concentrations (from design and manufacture process), and
  • consider points of contamination egress.

What Design Variations will Maximize the Maintainability

  • focus on mass produced part reproducibility (hand-fit parts are a problem),
  • allow easy location of two interfaced components, and
  • minimize component replacement effort.

Manufacturing Report Format -

The manufacturing report must include:

  • a maximum of 12 pages, single spaced, 12 point or equivalent,
  • the criteria you used in your manufacturability study,
  • a logical progression of your ideas leading to the submitted redesign, and an indication of how these concepts, and your final designs are based on your above criteria, and
  • an outline, in the summary, of the specific manufacturing modifications recommended and the form which a redesign for manufacture would take.

Your written report should be formatted to include the following sections, in the order given below;

1. Summary

2. Introduction

3. Technical Discussion

4. Recommendations

5. References

6. Appendices

Attachment:- Assignment Files.rar

Reference no: EM132269738

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