Drive operational decisions in clinics and hospitals

Assignment Help Microeconomics
Reference no: EM132909277

The use of metrics to reward health systems and the publication of performance markers is a popular initiative. Speak to the potential pros and cons of using tools like cost-benefit analysis or cost utilization to drive operational decisions in clinics and hospitals. Please provide references for answer

Reference no: EM132909277

Questions Cloud

Diminishing return to firm production function : In the field of Managerial Economics, what are the understanding and use of the short run , the long run, and diminishing return to the firm's production functi
Discuss a chronic mental health condition in the geriatric : Discuss a chronic mental health condition in the geriatric population(ANXIETY) and include the risk of addiction and dependency related to patient safety
Optimal offshoring strategy of toyota car : Which is the optimal offshoring strategy of toyota car for the standardized components, that do not involve cutting edge technologies, from china? Explain why?
Making decisions about incident detection and escalation : Describe the processes used in making decisions about incident detection and escalation.
Drive operational decisions in clinics and hospitals : The use of metrics to reward health systems and the publication of performance markers is a popular initiative. Speak to the potential pros and cons of using to
Why want to complete role transition clinical at amita : Why you want to complete your Role Transition clinical at Amita St. Mary's Medical Center? What makes you a good candidate?
Compute pension expense for Howard Corp : On January 1, 2020 the following balances related to this plan - Plan Assets at fair value 450,000. Compute pension expense for Howard Corp
What strategies can manager take to take care of concerns : 1 Why is a bank manager concerned about changes in interest rates when looking at the banks's balance sheet?
What considerations would weigh heavily on the decision : What considerations would weigh heavily on the decision to continue these multiple medications (polypharmacy) in light of this change in his health status?


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