Drive is considere essential to effective leasership because

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Reference no: EM13816250

1. Managers and leaders are different because:

- Managers learn a set of skills for planning, organizing directing, and controlling.

- Leaders must find the capacity to help create a vision of what the organization can be.

- Leadership calls for caring about and engaging the whole employee.

- Managers maintain stability while leaders promote change.

2. Leadership is an because of all EXCEPT;

- Leadership is a growing body of objective facts and knowledge.

- Leadership has skills that cannot be learned from a textbook.

- Leadership takes practice.

- Leadership takes hands-on experience.

3. Effective leaders and effective followers are:

- people with different traits-

-people with different behaviors-

- the same people, playing the same role-

- the same people, playing different roles at different times.

4. Possessing the traits of honesty and integrity are essential for leaders in order to:

- build productice relationships.

- build trust.

-both build productive relationship and build trust.

- seek achievement.

5. "High-high" leadership behavior is generally considered desirable because:

- leaders display concern for both people and production.

- leaders will meet people-oriented and task-oriented needs simultaneously.

-both leaders displyaconcern for both people and production and leaders will meet people-oriented and task-oriented needs simultaneously.

-task-oriented behavior was associated with higher productivity.

6. In the leadership Grid, the tern Country Club Management refers to:

- the exertion of minimum efforts to get required work done.

- efficiency in operations from arranging work conditions.

- thoughtful attention to the needs of people for satisfying relationships.

-work accomplishment from committed people and interdependence.

7. Trait research has identified all of the following categories as essential to leadership EXCEPT:

- work -related characteristics.

-social characteristics.

- personality.

- culture.

8. Drive is considered essential to effective leasership because:

- leaders with drive seek achievement'.

- leaders with drive actively pursue goals.

- leaders with drive have stamina.

- all of these choices.

9. Team management is:

- recommended because organization members work together to accomplish tasks.

- considered the most effective style.

- used when efficiency in operations s the dominant orientation.

- both recommeded because organization members work together to accomplish tasks and considered the most effective style.

10. To use Fiedler's Contingency Theory, a leader needs to know:

- wether his leadership style is relationship oriented.

- wheter his leadership style is task-oriented.

- the organizational situation.

- all of these choices.

11. Hersey and Blanchard's Situational Theory Focuses on;

- the characteristics of followers as an important element of the situation.

- the readiness of the leader.

- the characteristics of the leader.

- whether the situation is favorable or unfavorable to the leader.

12. The path-goal theory includes all EXCEPT;

- clarifying the flower's path to the rewards that are available.

- determining whether the situation is favaroble or unfavorable to the leader.

- increasing the rewards the follower values and desires.

- working with subordinates to indentify behaviors for task accomplishment.

13. In the V room-Jago model, the leaders Decision Styles do NOT inclyde;

- decide.

- facilitate.



14. The big five personality dimension do NOT include:

- extroversion.

- emotional stability.

- opennes to experience.

- education.


- believes that luck is the key to success.

- feels that there is little control over events.

- places primary responsibility on outside forces.

- believes they are"masters of their own fate".

16. A theory Y leader believes all EXCEPT:

- subordinates enjoy work.

- subordinates are lazy and dislike work.

- subordinates seek responsibility.

- subordinates will exercise creativity and imagination.

17. When the perceiver develops an overall impression of a person or situation based on one characteristic________ occurs.

- projection.

- perceptual defense.

- the halo effect.

- external attribution.

18. A person with an overall positive self-concept has:

- low self-esteem.

- high self-esteem.

- intuition.

- end values.

19. A trait that is closely related to authoritariannism is;

- theory y.

- agreeableness.



20. A leader who is achievement oriented moght assume that subordinates are also achievement oriented- This perceptual distortion is called.

- the halo effect.

- projection.

- intuition.

- stereotyping.

21. Self-awareness refers to

- the ability to connect to others.

- the ability to put oneself in some else's shoes.

- being conscious of your own emotions.

- the ability to be hopeful and optimistic.

22. Assumption can be dangerous because;

- people tend to accept them as "truth.

- they cannot be changed.

- they can be changed.

- people lack self-management.

23. The tendency of people to not voice their true thoughts because they want to please others is:

- situational theory.

- the abilene paradox.

- The abilence paradox.

- the post conventional level.

- theory Y.

24. Synergy is the combined action that occurs when people:

- renew the physical, mental, spiritual, and social aspects of their lives.

- work together to created new alteratives and solutions.

- blame others.

- focus on preserving and enhancing relationship.

25. Intrinsic rewards

- are the internal satisfaction a person receives by performing a particular action.

- are given by another person, typically a supervisor.

- include pay raise and promotions.

- are given to all people withn an organization or a specific department.

Reference no: EM13816250

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