Drinking and experimenting with pot

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Reference no: EM133035901 , Length: word count:1250

Scenarios Assignment

For each scenario, indicate whether or not you think there is an ethical problem in the scenario. Then state why you have reached that conclusion.

Scenario #1:

Jaz, a youth worker, has been seeing Bobby for counseling for about six weeks on a once-a-week basis. Bobby is a thirteen-year-old boy who has been referred for youth work at his parent's insistence due to behavior changes they have noticed since he entered high school. His parents complain that Bobby talks back and makes hostile remarks to them acts out when not being listened to, and comes home late for dinner and curfew. His parents are very worried that Bobby is hanging out with the wrong people and doing drugs. Over the six weeks of sessions, Bobby disclosed to Jaz that he partied with his friends by binge drinking alcohol on the weekends and that he has tried marijuana. After one of the sessions, Bobby's mother called Jaz and asked her what Bobby was telling her in counseling and whether she had any information about Bobby's suspected alcohol or drug use. Jaz was also concerned about Bobby's alcohol and drug use so she took the time to answer Bobby's mother's questions. Jaz told Bobby's mother that Bobby was, in fact, binge drinking and experimenting with pot and that she recommended specialized substance abuse counseling for Bobby.

Scenario #2:
Human service professionals are devoted to the greater good. They work closely with individuals, families, communities, even populations, who are struggling, to help them meet their basic human needs, solve problems, and improve their overall quality of life.

Human service workers, above all, must protect their clients' integrity, safety, and security. This includes the protecting the privacy of their clients and any information obtained from the client, unless such confidentiality carries the potential to cause serious harm. Even more, they must uphold respect for the diversity of clients, their cultures, and their beliefs. No personal values or biases should be imposed on a client in any way or form. The Ethical Standards of Human Service Professionals also requires that workers maintain professional and appropriate relationships with their clients.

Scenario #3:
Tom has been a much-respected outreach worker in a small rural community for fourteen years. He has been connecting with Sally during his outreach shifts for three months. On Saturday, Tom and Sally happen to bump into each other while doing laundry. Because it is such a small town, Sally and Tom have found themselves doing laundry before at the Laundromat at the same time. They make their usual small talk but Tom notices that Sally seems particularly distracted and sad. Sally asks Tom if he could go with her to the bar next door while the laundry is drying so that they could talk. Tom feels caught off guard, but is worried about Sally and decides to go with her to the bar.

Scenario #4:
Xavier has been a client at Crossroad Methadone Clinic for over a year. Over the past weekend, Xavier was admitted into the hospital due to heart problems. Dr. Espinosa , the cardiologist who saw Xavier called Crossroads to obtain more information about his new patient. Stan, a program assistant who happened to answer the phone, could not find the consent to release information in Xavier's file. Therefore, Stan decided that he could not give the cardiologist any information without a written consent. Dr. Espinosa suggested that the cardiologist obtain a witnessed, signed consent to release information from Xavier and fax it to him, at which time, Dr. Espinosa would immediately call the cardiologist and share Xavier's psychological history with him in order to facilitate the cardiologist's treatment plan for Xavier.

Scenario #5:
Dr. Lucas is Richards's therapist at the local mental health hospital. Recently, Richard told Dr. Lucas that he discovered that his fiance´e Bridgett has been having an affair. Richard expressed his rage and discontent with the situation and his belief that he could not live without Bridgett.

Dr. Lucas believed that Richard was obsessing over his fiance´e's affair and was concerned for Bridgett's safety even though Richard had made no direct threat against either Bridgett or the man with whom she was having an affair. This man was known to Richard. Dr. Lucas asked Richard if he had any intent to hurt either Bridgett or the other man. Richard said absolutely not, that he would never hurt Bridgett even though she was killing him by having the affair. Dr. Lucas also assessed Richard as a low level suicide risk at this time and therefore not in need of hospitalization. Over the weekend, Richard went on a rampage, killing Bridgett, her lover, and himself. This was a devastating tragedy for everyone, including Dr. Lucas. In spite of the terrible outcome, Dr. Lucas had behaved ethically by not informing Bridgett or her lover of Richard's strong feelings and by not hospitalizing Richard himself.

Scenario #6
Sally is sixteen and is three months pregnant. She is very scared and nervous about the idea of having a child. Matt and she talked about the baby and decided that they were not ready to have a child. Sally had a lot of questions and concerns about her options. She went to the local women's health clinic for a check-up. The nurse suggested that maybe Sally needed to talk to a mental health counselor before scheduling further medical appointments for her. Sally YES d and the nurse introduced her to Dr. Laura Pueblo, Ph.D., LMHC. Dr. Pueblo spoke with Sally for an hour and decided that a parent needed to give parental consent before continuing with pregnancy counseling and decision-making, even though Sally was determined that it was not the right time for her to have a baby.

Attachment:- Ethical Assignment.rar

Reference no: EM133035901

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11/25/2021 11:44:14 PM

Program name is: Diploma in Social service worker. module: Professional Ethics (SSW104O) There are 5 scenarios case, why its Ethical or non-Ethical, write up, provide support information, Demonstrate you though each scenario not less the 250 word or not less than 5 sentences

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