Drawback of using any of these university models

Assignment Help Taxation
Reference no: EM133771559

Question: You have found that one drawback of using any of these university models is that you have to rely on people. Traditionally, these university, government, and business leaders are the ones who have to coordinate efforts and take the action necessary to reactivate an economy.

However, by feeding the data through a neural network, A.N.N. levels up this process. As you can see in the presentation below, she has created a real-time information sharing platform through the Internet of Things (IoT) that connects the needs of university, civic, and government leaders in real-time. This gives open access across E-City's leadership to share relevant economic data. This is important because it breaks down communication barriers and fosters transparency. This access to more information results in strategic, data-driven decisions that can actually facilitate an economic impact.

Reference no: EM133771559

Questions Cloud

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