Draw tree diagram to illustrate the different possibilities

Assignment Help Engineering Mathematics
Reference no: EM13960880

1. 5 coins are tossed

a) In how many ways will the first coin turn up heads and the last coin turn up tails

b) Draw a tree diagram to illustrate the different possibilities

c) In hoe many ways will the 2nd , 3rd, and 4th coins all turn heads

d) Would the same possibilities arise if one coin is tossed 5 times in succession.

2. Determine the number of ways of arranging the letters in the word handle if

a)there are no restrictions.

b) 1st letter must be a consonant

c)the 2nd and 5th letter must be vowels.

3. solve for n


b)(n+2)!=56 n!


Reference no: EM13960880

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