Reference no: EM131474368
All CAD drafting solutions must be drawn to suit an A3 sized drafting sheet.
Convert your drawing file into a PDF file. ‘Print' (print as PDF file) using the ‘monochrome' (black and white) setting. Instructions are in the Setting up AutoCAD drawing environment' in the General Information and Resources block on StudyDesk.
AutoCAD (or equivalent) DWG file of Q1 Drawing: Using a 2D CAD package, undertake the drawing as per the instructions in the question. Save this drawing file (as a .dwg file format), using the following naming convention SMITH_006100500_Q1_CAD.dwg
AutoCAD (or equivalent) Q1 Drawing: ‘Print' this drawing to a .pdf file, using the print settings defined in ‘Setting up AutoCAD2016 drawing environment for ENG1100' guide in the ‘General Information and resources' block on StudyDesk and using the following naming convention SMITH_006100500_Q1_PDF_DRAWING.pdf
Repeat this procedure for Questions 2 and 3.
NOTE: Only the .pdf documents of the DRAWINGS and SKETCH will be marked. The requirement to submit the .dwg files, the screen capture video and ID is a cross-check in the case of submission or marking issues. Therefore, ensure that the pdf images are complete and of a quality that accurately reflects the detail of the drawing files
Question 1
A pictorial view of a pump bracket is given in Figure I. Draw half-full size (scale of 1:2), the following views in Third Angle projection:-
(i) a Sectional Front View, looking from direction A. The cutting plane is through the centre line of the hanger;
(ii) a Top View
(iii) an End View from B
Fully dimension the drawing and provide a title block. Submit your drawing on an A3 sheet.

Figure 1: Pump bracket
Question 2
Figure 2 gives a pictorial view of a slotted guide. Draw the following views in third angle projection.
a) a Front View taken from A
b) a Top View
c) a Partial Auxiliary View showing the details of the inclined face.
Supply dimensions for the inclined face only. Select a suitable scale to make the drawing fit well on an A3 drawing sheet.

Figure 2: Slide guide
Question 3
Make an Isometric Drawing of the yoke bracket shown in Figure 4.
As per standard instruction for pictorial views in ENG 1100, no dimensioning is required.
Orientate the drawing so 'View A' of Figure 4 is in the direction of the shaded face of the representative isometric view of a cube shown in Figure 3 with the top of the 'View A' orientated towards `TOP' as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3

View A
Figure 4: Yoke bracket