Draw the vertical profile of temperature in atmosphere

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Reference no: EM13467916

1. Describe why the Sahara has a higher daytime temperature than the Congo rainforest, despite the fact that net radiation in the Congo is higher than in the Sahara.

2. Draw the vertical profile of temperature in the atmosphere, indicating where temperature decreases with altitude, where it increases with altitude, and the location of the troposphere, tropopause, and stratosphere. Name two processes that lift air and can generate precipitation.

3. Draw global wind patterns, both without and with the Coriolis effect.

4. Given the latitude of an island, draw the predominant wind direction, and guess where precipitation will be high and low.

5. Draw a mountain range and show the windward and leeward sides, rainshadow, and where you would expect orographic precipitation.

6. Describe where on Earth you expect to see two rainy seasons, and why.

7. Describe the relationship between Hadley Circulation and the locations of the world's rainforests and deserts.

8. Tell how and why the ITCZ shifts with the time of year.

9. Given the latitude of a location between 23S and 23N, predict when the wet season(s) will occur.

Reference no: EM13467916

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