Draw the uml use case diagrams using a uml modeling tool

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Reference no: EM132462618 , Length: word count:1500

Assignment: Software Engineering - Mine Pump Control System

Problem Scenario (attached)

You have been tasked to develop the architecture for a mine pump control system, designed to monitor and pump flood water out of mine shafts. As underground mining operations take place far below the water table, flooding into mine galleries and shafts is an ever-present danger. Excessive flooding is clearly a safety hazard for workers, but also has profitability implications ranging from equipment damage to productivity delays, to mine closures in extreme circumstances.

Complete the Following Software Engineering Tasks

Assessment Task 1. Your company has decided to utilize "best practices" in requirements elicitation and iterative development practices. As a consequence, for the problem scenario described above, perform a problem analysis and capture high-level requirements to be saved in a Requirements Specification Document (in MS Word). See the SRS Template. Items 2 and 3 below will be inserted into the SRS Document.

Assessment Task 2. Perform requirements model engineering and specify a set of essential and real use cases describing the functionality that your business solution/system will exhibit. To start, identify goals/sub goals, actors and their dependencies, and high-level tasks. Perform scenario modeling and group scenarios as needed to identify essential use cases. Using essential/real Use Case diagrams identify the following:

• Actors - who/what interacts with the business solution/system?
• Use Cases - what behaviors does the business solution/system exhibit?
For each use case you have identified, fill out the Use Case Specification (Description) Template, one for each use case. Document all of the Use Case Specifications/Descriptions using MS Word. This will become the reference listed in the SRS, item 1.3. Use the following template for each Use Case Description.

Assessment Task 3. Draw the UML Use Case Diagrams using a UML modeling tool of your choice. You may also draw them by hand. Document all of the UML Use Case Diagrams using MS Word. This will become the reference in the SRS, item 1.3.

Assessment Task 4. Brainstorming and CRC Cards (cards are optional):

Brainstorm a list of object candidates that model objects you consider key abstractions necessary to solve the problem. You may want to use index/CRC cards to assist with this modeling exercise. Creating cards is option. Consider the following questions:
• "What do I know"? - what data will the object candidate encapsulate?
• "What do I do"? - what methods (functions) will the object support?
Assign each of these candidates an index card. In the responsibilities section document the data/methods you have identified. Using the set of primary scenarios developed in the previous exercise walk through each step, identifying how your objects will implement the flow described within the scenario. Need to add a responsibility as you walk through a scenario? Go ahead! Need to add a new object? Remove a responsibility? Remove or combine objects? Again, change at this stage is encouraged. There is no outcome document for this step. This is simply a thinking exercise for you to take some time to analyze the system so you can create the object model for it.

Assessment Task 5. Create Class Diagrams. Use the set of object candidates identified in step 4 and develop a set of class diagrams that will document the classes and their relationships in a more formal manner. Diagram all identified classes. This will become the reference in the SRS, item 1.3.

Assessment Task 6. Create Sequence Diagrams: Use the flow you have identified (in step 4) at the Use Case and CRC level between objects and develop a set of sequence diagrams to represent the flow of control from a given actor(s) and its execution of the methods you have identified with your emerging model.

Attachment:- Mine Pump Control System.rar

Reference no: EM132462618

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