Draw the payout functions for the two option

Assignment Help Financial Econometrics
Reference no: EM131243648

The Black-Scholes formula by change of numeraire Let St be the price at time t of a stock that pays no dividends.

(a) Draw the payout functions for the two options

(i) KI{ST ≥ K}

(ii) STI{ST ≥ K}

where I{} is the indicator function. Which linear combination of (i) and (ii) gives the payout of a call option?

(b) Suppose the risk-neutral distributions of ST conditional on St with respect to the money market and stock numeraires are given by the answers to Question 5(c) and (e), respectively. Price options (i) and (ii) in terms of the normal cumulative distribution function Φ (·) using the money market numeraire for (i) and the stock numeraire for (ii). Hence derive immediately the Black-Scholes equation for the price of a call option.

Question 5(c)

(c) Suppose the risk-neutral distribution of ST conditional on St, with respect to the money market numeraire, is lognormal (log St + ν(T - t), σ2(T - t)), that is, log ST | St ∼ N(log St + ν(T - t), σ2(T - t)). Use a martingale condition for ST/MT to find ν in terms of σ and r, the constant, continuously compounded interest rate.

Reference no: EM131243648

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