Draw the ms visio crows feet e-r model

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13693286


A county wishes to create a database to control its local libraries. Each library has a number of employees, one of whom is designated as the manager of the library and is responsible for supervising employees and the general day-to-day management of the library.

Each library stores a number of books and CDs. A citizen has to become a member of a library before he/she is allowed to borrow any books, but thereafter can borrow books from any county library. Generally, a library stocks a number of copies of each book title and each CD. Details of books publishers are maintained but not CD publishers

Question: Draw the MS Visio crow's feet E-R Model.

Show the tables will all relationships and attributes.

Please keep it simple and short and no copy and paste or at least help me get started?

Reference no: EM13693286

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