Draw the graphs of the tc and tvc curves

Assignment Help Managerial Economics
Reference no: EM132581927 , Length: 3 pages

Assignment Overview

Before beginning this assignment, make sure you have gone carefully through all of the required readings for this module. It is very important to carefully absorb both the general concepts as well as the numerical examples in the background readings. For this assignment, you will have to answer some purely conceptual questions as well as some numerical problems. For conceptual questions, make sure to thoroughly explain your answers and to cite specific readings from the required background materials to explain your answers. For numerical problems, make sure to show all of your work and explain how you arrived at your answers (partial credit can be given if you get the final answer wrong but do some of the steps correctly). Note that you need to use Microsoft Excel to do the graphs for the numerical problems.

Case Assignment

Part A: Conceptual questions

Question 1. Suppose you own a television factory and at your current level of output you have average total cost of $800 per television, average variable costs of $700 per television, and a marginal cost of $400. If the price your buyers are willing to pay is $500, should you decrease or increase production? Explain your reasoning, and make sure to cite at least one of the required readings in your answer.





















MC is the additional cost of producing an additional unit.
MC<Cost= profit of $100 (500-400)
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Question 2. You are the owner of a restaurant, and currently you have only one waiter. While this keeps costs down, many of your customers go home because they are tired of waiting in line or waiting for their order. You hire four more waiters and waitresses, and you are now able to serve a dramatically higher number of customers. Seeing the huge productivity gains from hiring more staff, you then hire 20 more waiters and waitresses. However, you are not able to serve any more customers than you were able to when your staff size was only four. In fact, your restaurant has become overly crowded because there is not enough room in your restaurant for all of your staff. You are confused as to why hiring four more staff members increased your productivity, but hiring 20 more did not. What concept from the background readings best describes what happened in this case? Explain your reasoning.

Part B: Quantitative problems
The following table gives the total weekly output of bicycles at Al's Bicycle Town.

Table 1
Labor Total Product (TP) Average Product of labor (AP) Marginal Product of labor (MP)
0 0 na na
1 100 100 100
2 300 ----- ___
3 450 ___ ___
4 ___ ___ 110
5 630 ___ ___
6 ___ 110 ___
• Complete this table.
• Draw the graphs of the marginal product (MP) and the average product (AP).
• To learn how to plot the data in Excel
• Where do the AP and MP curve cross?
The cost of 1 worker is $2000 per month. Total fixed cost is $4000 per month.
• Complete Table 2 using your answers from Table 1 and by computing total variable cost (TVC) and total cost(TC).

Table 2
Labor Total Product (TP) Total variable cost (TVC) Total cost (TC)
0 0 na 4000
1 100 2000 ___
2 300 ----- ___
3 450 ___ ___
4 ___ ___ 12000
5 630 ___ ___
6 ___ 12000 ___

• Draw the graphs of the TC and TVC curves. What is the relationship between these two curves?
• Complete Table 3 by using your answers from the previous Tables and calculating the AVC, ATC, and MC.

Table 3
Total Product (TP) Average variable cost (AVC) Average total cost (ATC) Marginal cost (MC)
0 na na na
100 20 ___ 20
300 ----- ___ ___
450 ___ ___ ___
___ ___ 21.43 ___
630 ___ ___ ___
___ ___ ___ 66.67
• Draw the graphs of the ATC, AVC, and MC curves. What is the relationship between the ATC and AVC curves? Between the MC and AVC curves?

Attachment:- Assignment Case.rar

Reference no: EM132581927

Questions Cloud

Aspirations for the future : Introduce yourself to the class. Describe your educational goals and your aspirations for the future.
Which would choose if wanted to take the least risk possible : Security A carries little risk and security B has great risk. Which would you choose if you wanted to take the least risk possible? Provide the suitable example
Fundamental challenges in managing effective supply chains : Trying to change production mindsets from push to pull while illuminating muda. Trying to make the purchase of milk more Make-to-Order.
Total cell extract of a halophilic organism : Elaborate a method for qualitative analysis of the osmolyte (s) from total cell extract of a halophilic organism.
Draw the graphs of the tc and tvc curves : Draw the graphs of the TC and TVC curves. What is the relationship between these two curves and What is the relationship between the ATC and AVC curves?
What is the theory behind the type of behavior : Managers to invest a large amount of their personal wealth (often more than 40%) in company shares. What is the theory behind this type of behavior? Why?
Check the levels of zinc metal present in the effluentss : A leather industry released its waste in river after processing. You want to check the levels of zinc metal present in the effluents to submit a report
What is a sign of if dividend growth is higher per share : If dividend growth is higher for the total amount of dividends paid out than the payout per share, what is this a sign of? What are your conclusions?
Appropriate method for the same task : You bought minced meet from a butcher shop, situated in your locality. However, you have a doubt about the quality of meet.


Write a Review

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