Draw the flowchart for the decision structure

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13947832

A telephone company service plan charges 25 cents for each call made. In addition, it charges 5 cents a minute for all calls made to a phone number that has a service plan with the company. Or, if the call is to a phone that does not have a service plan with the company, it charges 15 cents a minute for calls that last less than 20 minutes or ten cents a minute for calls that last 20 minutes or longer. The phone company has a file with one record for every call made in one day. (In other words, a single customer might have many such records on file.) Fields for each call include customer area code (three digits), customer phone number (seven digits), called area code (three digits), called number (seven digits), a character to indicate whether the other phone number has a service plan with the company (y) or not (n), and call time in minutes (never more than 4 digits).

The company wants a report listing one detail line for each call, including the customer area code and number, the called area code and number, the minutes, and the total charge.

a) Create a decision table to use while planning the logic for this program.

b) Draw the flowchart for the decision structure required in this program.

c) Identify appropriate test values for the decision structure and submit the results of a desk check of the program.

Step 1 Create a decision table to use while planning the logic for this program. Specifically, you should:

1.list the conditions for the decision;

2.generate all T/F combinations for the conditions;

3.list the actions to be taken;

4.analyze each T/F combination and determine which, if any, of the actions should be taken.

Step 2 Draw a flowchart of the decision structure and statements used to calculate the total phone charges for this program.

Step 3 Use the conditions in the decision table to identify test values that will test each range of values defined in the decision structure. For example, a condition x > 2 indicates you need to test a value of x less than 2, x equals 2, and a value of x greater than 2.

Desk check each test value using your decision structure and statements used to calculate the total phone charges. Be sure to show your steps in the Word document.

Reference no: EM13947832

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