Draw the cumulative return and drawdown

Assignment Help Python Programming
Reference no: EM132817900

Problem 1: Portfolio Optimization

Suppose we want to design a portfolio among following assets:

StocksArray = c(' MSFTY AAPL',' AMZN',' FB',' GOOGY GOOGLY JNJ',' JPM',' VY PG',
'T',' UNH',' MA',' HD',' INTC',' V ZY KO',' BAC',' XOM',' MRK',' DIS',' PFE',
'PEP',' CMCSA',' CV X',' ADBE',' CSCO',' NVDA',' WMT',' NFLX',' CRM',
'WFC',' MCD',' ABT',' BMY',' COST',' BA',' C',' PM',' NEE',' MDT',' ABBV',
'AMGN',' TMO',' LLY',' HON',' ACN',' IBM')

The period we consider is from 01-01-2014 to 31-12-2020. In this problem, you are allowed to use any package.

(a) Please split the data set into training set and test set with 75% data in training set and 25% data in test set.

(b) Please use training data to construct the following portfolios:
• Uniform portfolio.
• Inverted volatility portfolio
• Quintile portfolio.

Apply them on test data, draw the cumulative return and drawdown. (your budget starts from 1 dollar and assuming risk-free rate is zero.)

(c) Estimation of mean vector and covariance matrix is a critical problem in portfolio optimization. Let ∑. be the sample covariance matrix. Instead of using ∑. to construct the portfolios, here we would use

. = ρ∑. + (1 - ρ) Trace(∑.)IN/N

where N is the number of asset, IN is the identity matrix of order N, and ρ is a real number between 0 and 1. Try different values of ρ in {0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0 8, 1}, construct the global minimum variance portfolio (GMVP)

minimize wT∑w
subject to 1Tw = 1, w ≥ 0, and compute the Sharpe ratio on test set.

(d) In this subproblem, instead of estimating E via sample covariance matrix, we assume E is one of M (known) covariance matrices ∑(k) ∈ Sn++, k =1,... , M, in which M = 10 and ∑(k) is computed as

∑(k) = k-1/M-1∑ + M-k Trace(∑) IN/N

where ∑ is the sample covariance matrix, N is the number of asset, and IN is the identity matrix of order N.

We will choose the portfolio weights in order to maximize the expected return, adjusted by the worst-case risk

minimize  -μTw + λ maxk=1,...,M (wT(k)w)
subject to 1Tw = 1.

Use CVX to solve it, apply the portfolio on test set, then show the Sharpe ratio, annualized return and average drawdown for different λ ∈ {0, 1,4,10,20}.

Problem 2: Gradient Descent

Consider a linear factor model:
xt = α + βft + ∈t, t = 1, 2,... T,

where xt ∈ RN. We estimate α and β by solving the following least-squares problem via gradient descent

minimize     ∑Tt=1 ||Xt - α - βft||2

For the vector of log-returns xt, we'll use

Stocks = c(MSFT' AAPL',' AMZN',' KB' ,GOOG')

starting from 2016-01-01 to 2019-12-31. For the factor ft we'll use the log-return of S&P500 index in the same period. Compare the estimates you obtained to that of CVX.

Hint The objective function is a function of α∈RN and β∈RN

So, there are 2N variables (α1, , αN, , β1,.....βN) to optimize. Given a point (αt, βt), a gradient descent step updates α and β as


You should choose step size n and stopping criteria properly so that your algorithm converges to the optimal.

Need to use R language with CVXR package.

Attachment:- Portfolio Optimization.rar

Verified Expert

The solution provided were Rstudio codes of financial modelling. It involved optimization of equally weighted portfolio, quintile portfolio as well as Sharpe ratio, gradient descent of least squares inequality.The data of several assets was extracted from yahoo.finace on S&P 500.

Reference no: EM132817900

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3/5/2021 11:35:13 PM

Need to have some help on the problem solving. Need to use R language with CVXR package.

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