Reference no: EM132422892
Assignment 1 -
Two literature reviews for 2 articles. Read each article and write a summary of one page for each of them. Don't need any information. Outside these articles and will be the only resource. Citation will be APA.
Article 1 - Managing change, growth and transformation Case studies of organizations in an emerging economy by Paul C. Hong, Tomy K. Kallarakal, Mariam Moina and Margaret Hopkins.
Article 2 - Innovation and entrepreneurship research in India from 2000 to 2018: a bibliometric survey by Gautam Sharma.
Assignment 2 -
Attached 2 personal assessments that done (Leadership Assessment Instrument) and (Fundamental Interpersonal relationships orientation).
First Assessment - (Leadership Assessment Instrument)
Need you to draw the competency profile diagram that draw to show the result (at the last page) and then discuss all of my result my result.
Second Assessment - (Fundamental Interpersonal relationships orientation)
Want you to make the same box at the (page 13) and discuss result as wrote them in green color and relate it to what is written in page 14 and explain my result.
Then make one Action plan including includes all competencies (from both assessments) that need to work on.
Finally, need a narrative writing about my result and explanation of my action plan (please make sure to cover all the points in the in structure attachment) APA citation for all the information.
Attachment:- Assignment Files.rar