Draw the cash-flow diagram for this situation

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM13310145

1. Give at least three examples of where decision making process could be used at different levels in a software organization.
2. Identify one of the situations from you answer to Question 1 and identify at least three decision criteria that would be relevant in making that decision.
3. Mr. George is thinking about getting a $20,000 second mortgage on his house to help him finance an after-hours software project so he can make some extra money outside of work. He is looking at a 5-years mortgage with fixed 12% (annual) interest. Assume this loan allows him to make annual payments.
a). Draw the cash-flow diagram for this situation
b). Name the proper compound interest formula to apply to this problem
c). What will his annual payment be?
4. Construct a loan amortization table, similar to the one shown in table 6-2, showing the principal and interest seperated for the first 6 months of FunSoft's loan.
5. If FunSoft decided to pay an additional $250 with every payment, how much earlier would their loan be paid off?
6. If FunSoft did pay the additional $250 with every payment, how much would their final payment be?


Attachment:- 322591_1_Work-----1.doc

Reference no: EM13310145

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