Reference no: EM133360001
Case Study: Models developed during the software development analysis phase build the foundation for the software design model. Once the analysis phase is done the next task for the software engineer is to represent the software requirements and the analysis model as a design model made of a software system architecture diagram, a detailed UML class diagram, and a human-computer interface mockup.
In this assignment, you will be given both the software development requirements and its developed analysis model for a small bed & breakfast reservation system. You will create a design model for the reservation system. The design model consists of a software system architecture diagram, detailed UML class diagram, and a user interface mockup for one use case of the system. You will also explain your approach to create these designs, the steps you followed, and the rationale behind your designs. You will reflect on the assignment and lessons learned.
To prepare for this assignment:
1) Review the assigned reading for the week.
2) Design UML drawing tool to use for this assignment. There are so many free UML drawing tools, and you are free to use any of them. The important part is that you copy your final drawings of your models and paste them into the Word document that you submit for grading. Do not send the UML drawing tool graphics files, only copy and paste your diagrams into Word.
One of the suggested free UML drawing tools is the online software available at
3) Read the software development requirements for a small bed & breakfast reservation system (SW-Dev-Req-Small-BB-Reservation-Sys.docx)in the attached file. These are the same requirements as those for week 2 assignment but repeated here for completeness.
You can make any reasonable assumptions based on your understanding of the problem that allow you to complete this assignment. Just make sure to document these assumptions in your assignment submission.
4) Read the analysis model for a small bed & breakfast reservation system (Analysis-Model-Small-BB-Reservation-Sys.docx)in the attached file. This analysis model was developed based on the software development requirements for a small bed & breakfast reservation system.
5) You will use the submission template (Submission-Template-W4-LName-FName.docx) to submit your response to this assignment. The submission template is in the attached file.
To complete this assignment:
1) Draw software system architecture diagram for John & Jane small reservation system. Your architecture design should be based on common architecture styles or patterns.
2) Explain your approach to create your software system architecture diagram, the steps you followed to create it, and the rationale behind your resulting architecture.
3) Draw detailed UML class diagram for John & Jane small reservation system. The detailed UML class diagram should be based on the provided analysis model class diagram and should include:
Attributes for each class
Methods for each class
Proper UML class relationship symbols to correctly classify the relationship between classes
The multiplicities of class relationships
4) Explain your approach to create your detailed UML class diagram, the steps you followed to create it, and the rationale behind your resulting class diagram.
5) Design user interface mockup based on the Sequence of Events (scenario) for Use Case: Make Room Reservation for a Guest in the analysis model. You can make any assumptions you need to complete this user interface mockup. Just make sure to document these assumptions in your assignment submission.
6) Explain your approach to create your user interface mockup, the steps you followed to create it, and the rationale behind your resulting mockup.
7) Reflect on your learning experience in this assignment and the lessons you learned.