Draw relational schema and show functional dependencies

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13274653

Task Part A. Create an ERD from a business problem. Read the following problem and complete the tasks listed below. THE ABS Blood Bank Australian Blood Services (ABS) is a new Non-Government Organisation (NGO) that has just been set up to collect blood and blood product donations from the public.

ABS plans to have donation centres in each capital city and most major regional cities throughout Australia. You have been approached by ABS to design and create a database system to track these blood donations.

ABS needs to record the details of each donor. This needs to include the donors full name and address details, along with their contact details, gender, Medicare number and any other details that may be pertinent. ABS also needs to know about the medical condition of each donor or prospective donor.

This includes the details of any surgery, existing medical conditions and any medication that is being taken. ABS also needs to know if the donor has been overseas in the last three months, which countries that they visited, how long they stayed in each county, whether they contracted any disease while in the country. Based on the answers to these questions, the ABS staff will decide if it is safe to accept a blood donation from the prospective donor. This is a decision can be made only by an ABS staff member who is a qualified Registered Nurse. Once the ABS staff member has decided to accept a blood donation from the donor, it is necessary to record the donor details, staff member taking the donation, ABS donation centre, and any other pertinent details in order to clearly identify each individual blood donation.

Tasks: 1. List all the business rules for the ABS ( Business rules are important because they define the conditions that the database must meet. For example, every Order must be associated with a valid Product.This prevents invalid Orders being entered into the database).

2. Create an ERD that describes the ABS staff and donation centres. This ERD should show:

a. All entities with primary key and any foreign key attributes,

b. The relationships between entities,

c. The cardinality and optionality of each relationship.

3. Create an ERD that describes a blood donor, her medical condition and any medications that she takes. This ERD should show: 

a. All entities with primary key and any foreign key attributes,

b. The relationships between entities, c. The cardinality and optionality of each relationship.

4. The donor also needs to state whether she has been overseas in the last 3 months and if so, to advise the details of that trip. Add this information to the Donor ERD created in Q3 above.

This ERD should show:

a. All entities with primary key and any foreign key attributes,

b. The relationships between entities,

c. The cardinality and optionality of each relationship.

5. Each donor can make a blood donation. Add this information to the Donor ERD created in Q3 and Q4 above. Donations must be made at an ABS Donation Centre and be taken by ABS staff. Add the ABS Staff ERD created in Q1 to the new Donor ERD. This combined ERD should show:

a. All entities with all attributes identified including Primary key and any foreign key attributes,

b. The relationships between entities,

c. The cardinality and optionality of each relationship;

d. Any M:N relationships are be resolved to 1:M relationships.

Part B. Create an RDM:

Tasks: Using the ABS ERD created in Part A:

1. Identify all attributes required for each table shown in the ERD; and

2. Create an RDM for each table in the ERD;

Part C. Normalise the RDM to BCNF:

Tasks:Using the RDM created in Part B:

1. Create a set of Dependency Diagrams for the ABS database;

2. Normalise the ABS tables to BCNF; and3.

Create a new RDM for the normalised tables.

Marking criteria The marking criteria for this assignment is:

Question HD DI CR PS FL List and explain all business rules for ABS Comprehensive explanation of all business rules Detailed explanation of all business rules Thorough explanation of most business rules Adequate explanation of most business rules Incomplete or irrelevant explanation of business rules Create an ERD for ABS & show all entities, PK & KF attributes, relationships, cardinality & optionality Comprehensive and accurate ERD that contains all entities, PK and FK attributes, associative entities included if required, all relationships shown and identified with correct cardinality and optionality Detailed and accurate ERD that contains all entities, PK and FK attributes, associative entities included if required, all relationships shown and identified with correct cardinality Thorough & reasonably accurate ERD that contains all entities, PK and FK attributes, associative entities included if required, all relationships shown with correct cardinality Adequate ERD that contains most entities, PK and FK attributes, associative entities included if required, all relationships shown with cardinality Incomplete or irrelevant ERD that contains some entities, relationships, and cardinality Create RDM from ERD & show all attributes for each entity Comprehensive RDM that shows all attributes for each entity and has all PKs identified Detailed RDM that shows most attributes for all entities and has all PKs identified Thorough RDM that shows most attributes for all entities and has all PKs identified Adequate RDM that shows the major attributes for all entities and has most PKs identified Incomplete or irrelevant RDM that does not identify sufficient attributes for most entities.

Draw relational schema & show functional dependencies Comprehensive schema that shows existing PK and all functional, partial and transitive dependencies Detailed schema that shows existing PK and most functional, partial and transitive dependencies

Thorough schema that shows existing PK and many functional, partial and transitive dependencies Adequate RDM that shows existing PK and some functional, partial and transitive dependencies Incomplete or irrelevant schema that does not adequately identify functional, partial or transitive dependencies State normal form of relation and explain why Comprehensive description and explanation of current normal form Detailed description and explanation of current normal form Good description and explanation of current normal form Description of current normal form with poor explanation Incomplete or irrelevant description and explanation of current normal form Decompose relation into 3NF and show relational schema for each relation and referential integrity constraints All relations in 3NF and all partial and transitive dependencies removed, each relation shows correct referential integrity constraints All relations in 3NF and all partial and transitive dependencies removed, each relation shows referential integrity constraints All relations in 3NF and all partial and transitive dependencies removed, most relations show referential integrity constraints All relations in 3NF and all partial and transitive dependencies removed, some relations show referential integrity constraints Incomplete decomposition or relations not in 3NF, no relations show integrity constraints

Reference no: EM13274653

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