Reference no: EM13836333
Assignment- Website Design and Modelling
Presentation and Written Assessment
Task 1 Data Flow Diagram- Draw one data flow diagram depicting the logical equivalent for the business process description provided:
You are assigned the role to develop a new system based on the project case study. Drawa context diagram andalevel-0 DFD forit.The Case study given makes reference to suppliers, manufacturing, warehousing, sales and distribution which are the components of a Supply Chain Management System. Students are required to represent minimum of the followings:
1. Purchasing from suppliers based on material inventory levels
2. customer sales orders driving scheduling
3. Customer sales orders driving manufacturing
4. Checking Warehouse inventory levels
5. Sales customer orders processing
6. Warehouse inventory, distribution and delivery schedules, returns, and back orders.
7. Generating report at different levels for managers.
Task 2 Level the diagrams to its functional primitives:
Level the diagrambyusingtheLevel-0 DFD thatyouprovided in Task 1. You are to draw level 1 DFD.
Task 3 (A)To the best of your ability provide the data elements you will need for your data entities for the case study provided:
Task 3 (B) Draw CRUD diagram:
Identify all the data elements and data entities and Develop an ERD and transform Entity-Relation (ER) Diagram into an equivalent set of well-structured relationsfor thesystembased on the projectcasestudy
Task 4 Provide website design and architecture you will be using.
Students need to work on the case study provided to develop the website design. No Implementation is required ONLY DESIGN. Students can use any tool Such as HTML, Visio, Power point, or Dream weaver to demonstrate the design of the Pine Valley Furniture Information Systems. Students can use take some photographs of furniture to display on the website they are designing.
Task 5 Presentation based on the case study:
Students need to present the website design in the designated tutorial/ class time. Students need to specify the advantages and disadvantages of tools they have used to develop the website design. The website design is a prototype. Students are not required to implement the design. No Database connectivity is required. Students can choose some default value for the label and text field they are using in the design. Students should click the photographs of the furniture they would like to display on the website. Students may use furniture photographs from the web but they are required to reference it properly.