Draw on your industry-related experience and knowledge

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Reference no: EM133693479 , Length: word count:1500

Assessment Task: Analytical Essay

Note:Use and reflect as much as Lecture information you can use throughout the assessment


As an individual task, you are expected to draw on your industry-related experience and knowledge to write an analytical essay that addresses one of the two challenges faced by the public sector.

- For Industry Challenge 1, the focus is on addressing the challenge of enforcing timely fine payments.
- For Industry Challenge 2, the focus is on addressing the problem of recruiting and retaining nurses due to a global shortage.

Your essay should demonstrate your understanding of the chosen behavioural concept(s), their application to the chosen challenge, and the effectiveness of the proposed intervention.

Choose one of the following two challenges to write your analytical essay on.

Industry Challenge 1:

Government agencies worldwide struggle with enforcing timely fine payments. Not only are late payment of fines costly and administratively burdensome for government, but it also imposes additional costs to individuals themselves, including late fees, potential financial stress or even legal consequences. Resolving this issue is essential for maintaining efficient public services and alleviating financial stress on individuals.

What behavioural concepts can help address the challenge of late fine payments? Choose one or two relevant behavioural concepts to create a targeted behavioural intervention. The intervention should aim to increase on-time fine payments.

Furthermore, provide a well-defined laboratory or field experimental design aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of your proposed behavioural intervention. The experiment should be outlined in a clear and concise manner, including the following key elements:

• Treatment group and control group
• Steps of the experiment
• Key variables
• Expected outcomes or hypotheses


Industry Challenge 2:

Healthcare facilities, particularly hospitals, face challenges in recruiting and retaining enough nurses due to a global shortage of nursing staff. High turnover rates among nurses result in increased recruitment and training costs for healthcare institutions. Additionally, nurse burnout exacerbates retention challenges. The combination of staffing shortages, burnout, and high turnover creates a cycle of recruitment and retention challenges that strain healthcare institutions. Addressing these challenges is vital for ensuring the effective operation of healthcare systems.
Which behavioural concepts can help improve frontline nursing staff recruitment? Choose one or two relevant concepts to develop a targeted intervention. The intervention should aim for more effective recruitment and/or better retention.
Furthermore, provide a well-defined laboratory or field experimental design aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of your proposed behavioural intervention. The experiment should be outlined in a clear and concise manner, including the following key elements:
• Treatment group and control group
• Steps of the experiment
• Key variables
• Expected outcomes or hypotheses

Structure for Assessment 2 Analytical Essay
• Title+ Student Name /ID +Word Count

Below are some guiding questions to prompt your exploration of the chosen issue, the application of behavioural concepts and the craft of the intervention:

• Introduction

Discuss briefly all the concepts you want to use to solve the issue you chose.

1. Provide a brief overview of the chosen issue.

2. Share insights based on reliable resources regarding the reasons behind these issues.

3. Introduce the selected behavioural concept(s) that will be used to address the issue effectively.
• How these behavioural concepts will be used

1. Provide reasons for selecting the specific behavioural concepts to address the chosen issue. Demonstrate their relevance and appropriateness in the context of late fine payments or high turnover rates/shortage in nursing staff.

2. Present any existing evidence or studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of the chosen concepts in addressing similar issues.

3. Explain how each selected behavioural concept will be used in designing the targeted intervention. Describe how these concepts will influence the design and implementation of the intervention to effectively address the underlying challenge.

4. Provide examples to illustrate how each concept will be applied in the intervention design. Highlight the mechanisms through which the intervention will influence behaviour and contribute to addressing the chosen issue.
- Experimental Design

1. Provide an experimental design to test the effectiveness of interventions in addressing the chosen issue. Clearly identify the control group and treatment groups to compare the outcomes of the intervention.

2. Describe the specific steps involved in implementing the experiment, including participant recruitment, intervention implementation, and data collection procedures.

3. Formulate a hypothesis that predicts the expected outcome of the experiment based on the intervention designed using the selected behavioural concepts.
- Conclusion
Overview of the essay
- References
There is no min or max number of references required you can use (this is up to you). Ref not included in the word count.

Reference no: EM133693479

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