Draw on your experience working in organizations

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131756028


Instructions: This assignment is an opportunity to integrate the readings from the course with your own practice and development as a leader.

You should draw on your experience working in organizations, reflections from your learning journal, and any insights you gained through class discussions and activities.

You should also incorporate or make reference to at least three assigned readings, as well as concepts presented in the course. (~6-8 pages, double spaced, times new roman font, 12pt.)

There are four parts to this assignment:

Describe in a detailed fashion the ways in which you have authentically related or applied theoretical frameworks and tools learned in class to your professional practice and at least one challenge you face as a leader in an organization. (approximately 2 Pages)

Account for ways in which your individual reflection and dialogue with others, including your group work and the class as a whole, have helped to developed your level of empowerment, professional identity, commitment to your development, and assumed roles in leading and managing others. (approximately 2-3 Pages)

Develop a customized strategy which utilizes at least three of the practice tools or frameworks you learned in class to facilitate meaningful dialogue with organizational stakeholders in the unique professional context where your work (i.e. colleagues, peers, superiors, subordinates, customers, etc.)). (approximately 2-3 Pages)

APA citation

Reference no: EM131756028

Questions Cloud

What are the nature of the contingency disclosure : What are the nature of the contingency disclosure for this company
Describe how different personalities affected : If you could change anything about the group what would it have been and why? Describe how different personalities affected how the group worked together.
How does consolidation improve airlines revenues : American Airlines (AA) was the largest air carrier in the world, How does consolidation improve airlines’ revenues? How might it improve their costs?
Describe hauser law in given problem : Describe Hauser's Law and what does it say about tax rates, tax laws and the raising of tax revenues in this country. Address % of GDP per year to gross revenue
Draw on your experience working in organizations : Describe in a detailed fashion the ways in which you have authentically related or applied theoretical frameworks and tools learned.
Define less freight-out on merchandise sold : Net sales consist of: sales $911,000, less freight-out on merchandise sold $33,000, and sales returns and allowances
Seminars on productivity issues for corporate executives : Human Resources, Inc. Human Resources Inc. (HR Inc.) is a small company that conducts seminars on productivity issues for corporate executives.
What are the strategies or characteristics author identified : Artist performing disidentitifcation? What are the strategies or characteristics the author identified as key to their resistance strategy.
Prepare the income statement using variable costing : Prepare the income statement using variable costing, Please explain the difference in operating income between the two methods


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