Draw entity relationship diagram of state tennessee tn

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131299681

Data management

Assignment: Draw Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) of state Tennessee TN

With the file HOSPITAL.MDB (downloadable from the Medicare website, https://data.medicare.gov/data/hospital-compare) create a reporting system important aspects of hospitals in your assigned state, as follows:

• Before getting started, you should create a Requirements Document detailing the SIX reports which you intend to produce. For each report, list the following:

o Report name. For instance, you may want to get the hospitals with the best emergency rooms. So how would you query the database? Perhaps you would look at the Emergency Room measures in the HQI_HOSP_TimelyEffectiveCare table. Think about what the important measures would be, and name the report accordingly.

o Column Headers and field names

o Sort Order (for instance, SCORE field by ascending order)

o Grouping (Optional) (For example, by CITY field)

o You could also list, for example, the top five hospitals, or the bottom five percent. Set the "Top Values" property on the property sheet in the Query Design screen.

• Create one-to-may relationships between the HQI_HOSP table and the other HQI_HOSP tables in the database. Remember, you should create a relationship (even if you aren't using the tables in your queries) between the tables on the ProviderID fields.

o HQI_HOSP_PaymentAndValueOfCare
o HQI_HOSP_ReadmDeath
o HQI_HOSP_TimelyEffectiveCare

• Create queries to highlight important hospital measures in your assigned state

• Create user-friendly reports with each query. When I say "user-friendly" reports, I mean that the report name should be in meaningful English words - not computerese - and there should be no misspellings, no typos, no syntax errors, and no truncated fields - the values in the fields should not be cut off at the ends.

• Create a switchboard to facilitate producing each of the reports.

Reference no: EM131299681

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