Draw entity relationship diagram for the proposed system

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Reference no: EM132290529

Case Study - Allsports Sports Club


Allsports is a multisport club which has several thousand members who take part in a diverse range of sporting activities, such as football, cricket, athletics and even darts and table tennis. The club publishes a newsletter, The Sports Report, under the supervision of the club president every week. The newsletter incorporates ten articles written by club members featuring the highlights of the week in their particular field of sport and five small paid advertisements from outside businesses. The income helps to meet the cost of publication. For each newsletter, the president selects a club member to act as an editor of the newsletter and it is the editor's responsibility to obtain the articles from other members for inclusion and to obtain the advertisements from advertisers. Newsletters are published on the Wednesday of each week and cover activities for the previous Monday to Sunday.

The majority of members have email addresses and have agreed to receive the newsletter in an electronic format. Those members who cannot receive the electronic form for some reason may have a paper copy posted to their mailing address.

Currently the president uses word processor and spreadsheet programs but is experiencing some difficulty in keeping track of details such as which members have submitted articles, what advertisements have been published and who to schedule as editor for upcoming editions. The president has asked you, a business systems analyst with HighVoltage Information Services, to carry out analysis and develop the specifications for a new automated information system, The Sports Report Information System (TSRIS). More information on the proposed system is provided below.

Proposed system

Information that needs to be stored includes: For members:
• their full names, addresses, contact phone numbers, email address and the sport(s) they play.
For newsletters:
• published weekly so the date of intended publication is shown - this could also act as an identifier (perhaps something like 2018MAR09 which would indicate a newsletter to be published on 9th March 2018)
• titles of articles accepted for inclusion
• titles (file names) of articles are given by the member submitting and could be something like "TennisReport5thNov.docx" or "ResultsCricketChampionship.docx".
• details of advertisements such as the identifier as supplied by the advertiser and the subject of the advertisement.
• details of member that has been selected to act as editor

For advertisers:
• name, address, person to contact and their contact details.
• some of these requirements may be simple attributes, others will need to be modelled as relationships between entities.

Problems associated with the current system
With the present number of members and limited software options, recently some newsletters have been published late. This is causing a degree of dissatisfaction in the members. In addition, the president is having difficulty accessing information efficiently. For example, the president would like to generate reports of members who have not yet edited a newsletter. While this can be done with a spreadsheet, it involves filtering content which is complicated and time- consuming.

Desired enhancements for the new systems
The system is required to generate a number of reports. The following reports are essential:
• a list of all members and sports played
• a list of articles to be published in upcoming newsletters
• a list of advertisements to be published in upcoming newsletters
• a list of all members and the newsletters they have edited
• a list of all members with email addresses
• a list of all members without email addresses

Constraints for the Delivery of the New System
• Limited new facilities and resources will be provided within a budget of $25,000.00.
• An 8% discount factor is used to calculate NPV.
• All Allsports Sports Club employees must remain and no additional staff should be employed due to your proposed use of the new computer application system; and
• Two additional computers for your development team's use have been approved for this project.

Section A

Read the case study of AllSports Sports Club (ASC). Suppose that you are allocated to do the system design for the ASC. Explain the following questions regarding this case study.
Note: Follow the Submission Guidelines to complete all parts.

1. What Software Development methodology would you follow in developing the computer system for ASC? Explain the reasons behind your selection decision in selecting the specified methodology?

2. Explain your choice of at least three most useful investigation (data gathering) techniques that you have used to investigate the new automated information system and the reasons for choosing them.

3. Develop a sample questionnaire to gather requirements to develop the system. The questionnaire should have at least 10 questions with open and closed ended questions.

4. Identify functional requirements and non-functional requirements for the proposed system for ASC.

Section B

After you have analysed your collected information, produce the following UML diagrams for proposed system as the specifications for a new automated information system for ASC.

1. Identify classes that should exist in the proposed systems and develop class diagrams for the proposed system of ASC.

2. Draw at least two use Case diagrams for the proposed system of ASC.

3. Write Use Case scenarios for above use cases. Use the simplified template form the slides.

4. Draw the Entity Relationship Diagram for the proposed system. Clearly indicate entities, attributes, relationships and cardinalities

5. Draw a Data Flow diagram (DFD) - Context Diagram depicting the external entities and data flow to the system

6. Draw an activity diagram for the proposed system to model the activity flow of the system.

7. Select four functions and develop interfaces for selected functions.

When analysing an organization's business processes, there are usually some issues which need to be clarified before you can proceed, particularly when the issues affect the way you developed your models.

When developing each diagram, you may make some assumptions which will affect the results of your presented modelling diagram. For example, right after a presented diagram, explain each diagram to your readers and your assumptions made in modelling it.

Attachment:- System Analysis and Design.rar

Verified Expert

Assignment is based on system analysis and design where a case study of Allsports sports club has been provided we have assessed it properly, task is divided in two sections, In section A we have design system for ASC question regarding the same have been answered. Section B whereas is about UML diagrams have been designed and provided in the report.

Reference no: EM132290529

Questions Cloud

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4/22/2019 3:38:35 AM

Section B- Marking Criteria Due Date: Week 11 Sunday 5pm Task Allocated Marks Scored Marks Class Diagrams • Well-explained and well-justified • Assumptions supporting the model 5 Use Case Diagrams • Well-explained and well-justified • Assumptions supporting the model 5 Use case Scenarios for above use case diagram 5 Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) 5 Data Flow Diagram(DFD) 5 Activity Diagram 5 Functions and interfaces 5 Conclusions and Recommendations • A summary of your findings • Recommend whether or not the project should continue/ how to continue 3 References 2 Total (Out of 40) 40 Total (Out of 30) 20


4/22/2019 3:38:29 AM

Section A- Marking Criteria Due Date: Week 7 Sunday 5pm Task Title Cover Page Introduction, Problem identification and Project Approval SDLC approaches Investigating Allsports Sports Club Information System (ASCIS) • Explain useful techniques used to investigate ASC • Justification of the chosen techniques Allocated Scored Marks Marks 2 2 3 3 Questionnaire 3 Requirements 3 References (at least 4) 2 Total (Out of 20) 20 Total (Out of 10) 10

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