Draw dfsa for identifiers contain only letters and digits

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM1360941

1. Rewrite the productions for each of the following nonterminals as right regular grammars: Identifier, Float.

2. Draw a DFSA for identifiers that contain only letters and digits, where the identifier must have at least one letter, but it need not be the first character. Hint: everything to the left of the leftmost letter must be a digit.

3. Show the moves made using the DFSA for identifiers given in Section 3.2.2. in accepting the following:


4. For C-style / * . . . * / comments, give

a right regular grammar
a regular expression

5. Can a language have no reserved words? That is, suppose every reserved word (such as if and for) were merely predefined identifier, which the programmer is free to redefine. Can such a language exist? Explain.

Reference no: EM1360941

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