Draw block diagram of a communication channel

Assignment Help Electrical Engineering
Reference no: EM1372073

Task 1

1 describe the elements of communication systems

2 explain the characteristics of electromagnetic waves and their application to communications systems

3 determine the signal spectra for the content of complex waveforms

4 convert from linear to logarithmic relationships (and vice versa) and determine the overall gain/loss of typical communication systems


A radio signal is to be transmitted and received
(a) Draw a block diagram of a communication channel
(b) Describe the basic function of each block

Discuss the general categories by which electromagnetic waves are characterised, explaining the terms used and show how these are positioned in the electromagnetic spectrum


Using your knowledge of waveform spectra gained in UNIT 2 (Engineering Science) determine the signal spectra for the waveform shown below. Illustrate your answer by plotting each of the waveforms separately together with the the combined waveform. In addition show your results plotted in the frequency domain.

2347_Diagram of a communication channel.png



(a) Various stages of a receiver circuit are illustrated below and the voltage levels at the end of each stage are shown.

1310_Diagram of a communication channel1.png

Calculate: (a) power gain or loss at each stage
               (b) overall power gain
               (c) power into the detector if the power into the first stage from the antenna is 2pW

(b)Three amplifiers in a communication system are connected in series by cables. The cable lengths are:

Cable1 0.1m
Cable2 0.4m
Cable3 2.0m

Calculate Pout if Pin is -5dB and the insertion loss for the line is 1 dB per metre.

626_Diagram of a communication channel2.png

Task 2

1 determine the sources and effect of noise found in electronic communication systems, including cumulative factors
2: carry out noise calculations


(a) Identify the sources of noise in the RF amplifier below.
(i) Explain why it is a source of noise
(ii) Identify the type of noise

461_Diagram of a communication channel3.png

(b) Which factors are used to quantify the cumulative effect of noise?


(a) An amplifier has a noise figure of 13dB. Calculate the equivalent amplifier input noise power for a bandwidth of 1MHz.

(b) A mixer stage has a noise figure of 20db and this is preceded by an amplifier with a power gain of 15dB and a noise figure of 9dB. Calculate the overall noise figure referred to the input.

Reference no: EM1372073

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